Friday, August 2, 2019

Went for my walk and it was beautiful. A little cooler because I waited until later to go out. Beautiful cool breeze and only one skunk sighting. The app says I made the trip in 20 minutes but the route is wrong. I went the exact same way I went yesterday which I think was 25 minutes, but today’s route has a triangle shape whereas yesterday’s has a rectangle. Could have made it in 23 because the more I do this, the faster I get. I jogged some parts of it.

The only thing to spoil the peace was the usual nighttime annoyance…planes. These are the small ones that fly nowhere. One or two of them were circling around during a part of my walk. They’re nothing compared to the commercials, though, so it’s going to be a lot worse once those hit the scene again.

Just one message from Dixie this time. The Pride driver dropped Diane off and she asked him to carry in what she was sure was the watermelon she left outside. Instead, it was the sack of clothes. She thanked me and said she had some watermelon for me. I’ll have to let her know that by the time I get back there, it will be bad, but thanks for the offer. Will probably take a walk down Monday morning.

If she’s visited my blog, she’s not showing up on my tracker.

Since my 2009 story Forget It was too stupid to submit for publication, I thought my 2006 story Heart of the Forest would be even dumber, but so far it seems submission worthy for no one to buy. Running it through my text reader as I color.

His test app has been getting some downloads. It doesn’t count every single DL but in increments instead. He’s not sure when the “real” app will be ready. He’s been doing overtime again which means he has less free time.

I had this dream I was in a bathroom off of a large room and was just about to pee when a group of black bitches came barging into it. Then they stole some electronics that were in the large room, including a stereo system I really liked.

Then I had a dream about meeting Jessie at the home of Big Bird and his wife, but I was supposed to get there first. I even went a few days ahead of Tom. The adult me got to know the now older Mrs. Spinney, only in the dream, Mrs. Hall was still Mrs. Spinney. So it was Barbra, not Deborah.

Once Tom arrived, I told him that “all the birds were there,” even though there was only one Big Bird. He and I were sitting at a table with his ex-wife who was his current wife in the dream, as I said, and I said that not too long ago I had a dream that Mrs. Twitter (referring to her) did such and such a thing. it was later that I realized calling her Mrs. “Twitter” was a mistake.

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