Saturday, August 10, 2019

Ordered a variety of K-cups… French vanilla, cinnamon, caramel, butter toffee, blueberry vanilla, maple syrup, hazelnut, and butter pecan.

Also, a 3-in-1 avocado tool that splits, pits and slices avocados, a cute little avocado keeper, and a 0-calorie butter spray for my air-popped popcorn.

He got a tablet for drawing graphics for his apps, plus his CoQ10.

Tom has lost 9 lbs since he began dieting a few weeks ago. I’ve lost 2 but this is all I’m able to lose. The good news is that avocados definitely seem like they’ll keep me from gaining weight as long as I have one a day. I can live with that! :-) The 150s isn’t that bad when you consider how many people are over 200, and the fact that a lot of my weight is muscle.

We went to Sam’s earlier and stocked up on produce. Last night I downloaded a convenient shopping list app and it’s definitely easier to tap the boxes to check off what I got rather than scratch off a list. It’s a handy tool for sure.

Heard from Dixie who just got a Fire Stick and is excited to get Netflix and become a Prime member and all that. We still like Netflix but lately, we’ve been enjoying Hulu more. They even started remembering where I left off if I don’t watch something all at once.

Moved my office back into the bedroom because there were just too many distractions in the living room. Sound definitely gets in that room easier with all those big windows. Constant landscaping, car doors slamming, and then there’s Geri the company junkie. That woman can’t go more than a day or two without company and I swear every single vehicle that visits is loud, too. There were three vehicles there yesterday and I saw a husky sticking its head out the window of one of them. Fortunately, I didn’t have to hear it.

Bob said Ralph’s house has sold so we’ll soon know what we’re in for where that’s concerned.

I was stunned to see a house by the lake for sale for $215,000. Yeah, only in Cali will you find a nearly quarter-million-dollar manufactured home. It’s got a full lake view but I doubt they’ll get that much for it.

If there’s anything I hate, it’s struggling for what isn’t meant to be. That is just so exhausting, pointless and frustrated. Learned that a long time ago. Therefore, since I’m obviously not meant to be an author for whatever reason - maybe I’m not good enough - I’m probably going to be pulling my books off of Kobo and writing for my own enjoyment only from now on. There are just way too many books out there despite all the people that claim they hate to write and that can’t write well, etc.

Aly asked how much my books were going for yesterday when I told her how disappointed I was by the lack of sales, but I know it’s not because she’s interested in getting any. If she was interested, or anyone else was, they would have gotten something by now.

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