Monday, October 21, 2019

A few more ants might have died. Definitely going to just chuck the entire farm when they’re all gone. Not worth refilling, not worth cleaning. Especially when you don’t have a big enough opening in the first place like some of the other farms do.

Watching season 2 of Haunted on Netflix. It’s been a long time since I watched the first season. They’re quick episodes and there aren’t many of them, and while they’re entertaining enough, I don’t know. I just wonder how anyone can validate the authenticity behind any of these stories. It’s like me and my dream premonitions. Unless you’re one of the ones I’ve had dreams that turned out to mean anything, how do you know I’m not just full of shit? These people did seem pretty genuine, though, and I’m guessing that if they were actors, they would all be thin and beautiful. But they come in all shapes and sizes so that at least gives them a little more credibility since if ghosts really do exist, I’m sure they’re not going to pick on just the young and skinny.

Decided I really don’t like painting as much as I thought I would. I would rather color with colored pencils than paints or even markers. So I don’t know if I’m going to bother to finish the two paint-by-number kits I got but we’ll see.

We went to Sam’s on Saturday and Walmart yesterday. At Sam’s, I decided to get a bag of small potatoes instead of the usual size you make baked potatoes out of. Since I mostly make roasted home fries these days, they’re much easier to work with. I don’t have to slice them first with a big knife. I can just shove them through the dicer. Not sure if they taste as good as the russets, whatever these things are.

On weekends I allow myself a sweet treat and a meal I don’t have regularly which means it’s probably processed since I try to keep it fresh these days. I made us some spaghetti and we decided to try a three-cheese sauce, but neither of us could taste any cheese. I wasn’t really impressed with it at all. I prefer Ragu with mushrooms, but he hates mushrooms.

Then when I was scanning the candy bar section, I noticed they had a new Snickers bar with maple flavoring, so I decided to try it and it was pretty good.

And now I better shut up about food otherwise I’ll make myself hungry, LOL.

Still excited for my new computer which is now looking like it’s going to be a Windows desktop solid state. Definitely need more RAM. Love the idea of having the option of switching back and forth between using a mouse and a touch screen. I’m likely going to scale back from my 43-inch monitor to a 21-inch monitor because I’m just too damn blind. With something this big, you can’t pull it too close to you, but you also can’t push it too far away either. It just won’t work well with any type of glasses I have.

Probably won’t get to Sam’s for another week or two to see about trifocals, but I’ve ordered a couple of pairs of Zenni glasses. A child’s pink translucent pair for reading and clear ones that are a little larger because they’re rounder for the computer. I think mid-range lenses are going to be best for any type of computer work I do. My reading glasses are really only good for things like the Kindle and my phone. Those are going to be upgraded as well. If we stick to androids, we’ll renew them every other year or so. This paperwhite is getting pretty old, too. I don’t remember exactly when I got it, but it seems like I’ve had it most of the time we’ve lived here and that’s over six years. This place is now the longest I’ve ever lived anywhere as an adult. Figures that the longest place is the noisiest place.

The only unfortunate thing was that toward the middle of my day yesterday, I began feeling anxious, so I took a 50 today instead of 75. I’ll probably do the same tomorrow.

Started pulling up the elephant mural which has six panels. Tore just a teeny bit of paint but it doesn’t matter because we’re going to have to whiteout the area beneath the strips we popped off. God, I hate these fucking paneled walls! I wanted tape-and-texture in the house we bought in 1999 but it was just too expensive. Maybe our next place will have that from the get-go. If not, I’m going to make sure it does soon enough because the next place is likely to be where I’m going to spend the rest of my life. If we like the climate we end up in, there’s no sense in continuing to hunt for a quiet place that I’ll never have. I hate struggling for something that isn’t meant to be. However, if we stick to adult parks and get off the busy streets and out of the flight paths, it’s got to be somewhat quieter. It’s just got to be.

Using our Maui beach towels to line the pigs which we’ve decided to keep in the kitchen. They really like the extra space and it’s nice to have them there to interact with more and all that. Definitely not going to do this pig thing again, though. These are definitely the last ones we’ll ever have. They’re cute but they’re too much work, money and mess. Hell, a dog has to be easier than this! I also have a fleece throw I can use to line them with, but sheets are definitely too thin. It’s got to be something more absorbent.

Sure enough, as soon as I disconnected from Aly on Twitter, the account she claims is “complicated” and that she didn’t know if she’d ever gain access to again, no longer exists. So she had control all the time and I just can’t find the new handle. I see what she’s doing, though. She’s trying to disengage from me on Twitter for the reasons I’ve always suspected and that’s why she only connected with me there with an account she uses for sweeps which for some strange reason got reported for suspicious activity. But she obviously doesn’t want to be rude about it or lie either. Or at least lie as much as she used to. And also not surprisingly, she changed handles on the other one we were never connected on but I told her that showed up in the ‘people you may know’ section, but I found that handle.

I still miss having a voice blog but was hesitant due to tech issues that can happen and not wanting to scroll back to older clips. But screw scrolling and worrying about tech issues. I’m going to use VoiceSpice again. No one could search for it since you don’t need an email or an account that you have to create in order to use it anyway. I love how it keeps a list of my voice posts (made a few in June and August), even though I don’t know how the hell it remembers who I am.

There’s another reason I thought I would go back to it and that’s because I accidentally discovered that I don’t have to be in the tab Google Docs speech-to-text add-on runs in for it to keep recording my voice. The others will turn off soon. Not this one. I recorded a lot of a show I was watching the other day and thought it would be funny to send to spammers and scammers and play that game again since it’s been a while. It doesn’t record everything perfectly, so it’s the perfect thing to mindfuck them with.

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