Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Bob and Virginia crack me up. I caught them in front of their place doing some yard work on my way back from my walk/jog yesterday morning. They’d been worried about me because they hadn’t seen me in a while, like they always do if more than a week or two goes by without a Jodi sighting, LOL. Virginia was just about ready to come over and ask what was up with me. They always see me running around here, going to neighbors, or just stepping out to say hello when I hear them out and about. As I told them, my hips had been sore, and I was taking it easy.

Bob said he had surgery and was out walking for the first time in a month or so. Virginia looked stronger and has put back some of her lost weight.

Nice to know they care so much and that they missed me!

So did Dixie. I spoke with her by phone this morning and told her to call if she needs me to help her carry anything heavy. At some point she’ll want me to push her patio furniture back close to the house, so it doesn’t get drenched in the rain. We’re getting to that time where it could rain a few times a month.

Sold another copy of Heart of the Forest, so Amazon’s working better for me this time around. :-)

Looks like there may be a couple in Ralph’s place. On the way back from the mailbox Tom met a guy named Dal. Tom assures me I don’t have to worry about him getting a motorcycle. He said he seems very unsteady. Let’s just hope they don’t have dogs because listening to Santa’s mutts every time they’re walked or left to bark out of their porch is enough.

Things are running smoothly even if today’s noise is pretty horrible. Tuesdays and Fridays are the noisiest days here.

Took care of the pigs and now I’m going to finish the closet organization project. I was surprised by how tired I ended up yesterday. I really thought I could do it in one day and I probably could have if I pushed myself, but even so, I guess I really am getting older. Even with the fact that we have more stuff than we’ve ever had in our lives. I guess having money does that to you, but we won’t always have as much money, and we do plan to get rid of a lot of stuff before we leave.

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