Tuesday, October 29, 2019

I woke up having to pee and couldn’t get back to sleep, so I’m a little tired today. I crashed around 2 a.m. and expected to get up at 10 a.m., but I was up around 8. I lay in bed for a while before actually getting up, though.

Found a really nice message waiting for me from Tammy about how I’m going to be rolling in dough from selling my books, I’m an amazing sister and she’s proud of me.

LOL, unfortunately, I don’t think I’ll be rolling in any dough and happily home-hunting in Maui or Lanai, but I appreciate the vote of confidence and love her too. :-) Haven’t gotten a health update from her yet, but hopefully, as I told her, she’ll be making that mountain dream home a reality soon and I’ll be right there to laugh my ass off every single time it snows. She’s not going anywhere that has brutal winters, but still.

Five or six years ago she read the rough draft of Renting Ginny which I sent to my dad, minus some intimate scenes, and now I’m sharing the newer, much-improved version of it with her which will soon be submitted for publication on Amazon. Where I sometimes read old manuscripts and decide it’s crap not worth trying to salvage, I’m also surprised at times by how well something comes out that I feel is worth editing and putting my all into. Once I started getting published, I began omitting X-rated scenes to appeal to a larger audience.

What pisses me off about Amazon is that they won’t allow reviews from friends. It’s creepy, as Aly said, but nothing online is ever really private. I’ve shared the link several places and it’s kind of a no-brainer for them to check out who we’re closest to.

Although I haven’t had any specific dreams pertaining to it, I still have heavy vibes about change being on the horizon even though I’m clueless as to what it could be. I’m a little worried since most change isn’t usually very good. At least not for us. But then it gives me hope that maybe it could lead to something better, not that we’re in a bad position right now.

There are only a few ants left on the farm, but they don’t seem in any hurry to join the rest of their colony in their little makeshift graveyard.

These new giant pee pads are working out so well for the pigs. if only I’d known what to get from the get-go. They’re easy to shake out and they’re way less smelly and I don’t think I’ll even have to change them every other day which was the longest I could stand to go with the fleece liners. I’m going to try 3 days between changes. They now have 3 times more living space which is also part of why they can go longer between changes.

Looks like I might have finally gotten Ashworth College off my ass. They finally responded to my message on Facebook about their annoying daily calls, asked for my number, and told me they removed it from their system, so we’ll see.

Now that I actually want scammers to email me so I can have fun sending them whatever gibberish speech-to-text comes up with when he and I are chatting or I have a show running, I’m hearing less often from them.

Been having a real problem trying to keep from getting bored. It seems like it’s been harder to entertain myself lately. Despite having so much more I could do than I did 20 years ago and even 10 years ago, I struggle to keep myself occupied. I just get tired of doing the same things. Well, actually that’s not it. I don’t mind doing the same things. I enjoy the things I do. It’s after those same things are done for the day that I’m sitting there like…now what? It’s too early to start reading myself to sleep, so what do I do now?

I’ve got NaNoWriMo coming up in a few days but even that might not solve my boredom problem if I can’t come up with enough of an idea for the story to last that long. Even if I did, NaNoWriMo is only a month. I just can’t keep coming up with story ideas like I used to. I hate to say it, but this is part of why I wouldn’t be all that sad if I was told right now that I had some terminal disease. It would be a lot easier to accept than 20 years ago. I would be sadder for Tom than for myself. Why? Because I’m just running out of steam in life.

We don’t have the means or the money to do new things or some things we’ve already done more often. I can’t just say, “I want to go swimming right now.” It’s too cold for swimming. I can’t go for a dip in the ocean. I can’t go snorkeling. I can’t go sailing. I can’t go water skiing. I can’t explore other countries. I can’t spend the day at a luxury spa. I can’t go get my armpit hair removed. So even though there are other things to do, it’s not like I can do all these things whenever I happen to feel like it.

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