Tuesday, October 22, 2019

I’ve already decided which two pairs of glasses I’m going to donate when I get my new ones. I usually donate the amount I get, but I think I’ll just donate the horribly large red ones and my first mid-range pair. I like to keep two pairs of the same prescription or close enough to it so I have a backup. Actually, I do have another pair of progressives that can go.

Going to use these cheap, thin rainbow washcloths I was sorry I bothered getting for a while to mop the pigsty. It would be cheaper to spray the pen with some kind of cleaner and mop it up with that rather than using wet Swiffers every day. Yes, I’m changing them every day, alternating between a pink-orange fleece throw that fits in perfectly, a purple zebra fleece blanket, and the two Maui beach towels.

Forget the ants not making it to the end of the year. I wonder if they’ll even make it to the end of the month. They’re really starting to die off. Tom said he read they can live as little as a month, so three months isn’t always the norm but more like a possibility.

For the first time ever, I now have four Twitter accounts. Decided to create one to log medication doses and just how I’m feeling in general. I love the new account switcher and how we can have up to five accounts. I’d still like it if we could edit tweets and make some private but then I do like to keep certain types of tweets separate which makes multiple accounts more useful.

NaNoWriMo’s getting closer, so I’ve begun fleshing out my main characters. Suki Akamu will work the Cyber Crimes Unit of the FBI, and the crazy FBI agent will be Special Agent Marlene Hughes, thanks to a random name generator. I had to put a little more work into the Japanese name.

Not sure of a setting or if I’m going to bother having one in the first place. I suppose there isn’t any point in a location unless it’s pertinent to the story somehow. I’ve used all the states I’ve lived in for settings, plus some randomly generated states I’ve never lived in.

I was going to go out walking earlier in the night before it got cold but the thought of what skunks or loose dogs I may encounter made me hesitant. I tried to tell myself I didn’t need a man to keep me safe, but I wasn’t very convincing because I waited for him to go with me. He didn’t mind, though. :-)

There’s been a vehicle parked on the side of the road by the house in back of Bob and Virginia. They’re parked almost up to where Lawrence’s place starts which is way too close to our bedroom. When I heard some banging, I looked out the window by the street and now there’s a fucking vehicle parked between us and next door, barely more than an arm’s length away. I have a bad feeling I’ll be hearing a lot more than what I’ve already heard.

I am so, SO fucking sick and tired of all the projects people do around here. I have never experienced this anywhere else in my life. Ever. We can’t even go more than a fucking week or two without someone doing some shit I have to listen to. Tom said he thought they might be painting that house but whatever it is, I want people’s vehicles away from the bedroom! You’re not even supposed to park on the street there to begin with. This isn’t the first time I’ve seen a vehicle parked back there. Over the weekend there was a white pickup truck that looked like a gardener’s truck of some kind, but instead of being parked in the driveway or in front of their house, they were at the side. Then there was a white SUV last night and now there’s some kind of light-colored vehicle on our side. I don’t know what it’s doing there but with the way people love to slam vehicle doors, I worry about it waking me up. This is just way too damn close.

Damn, I’m sick of this fucking place and being surrounded by so many houses, streets and people! I love how the loud car hasn’t been around, though.

I got curious and went out and checked and it’s that same white pickup that was there this weekend. I think he’s right about them painting or at least doing something. But hey, someone’s always doing something around here. The house for sale on our street is still hammering away at God knows what outdoors. So fucking sick of this shit!! And the fucking traffic, planes and landscaping.

I’m going to have 5 eats a day starting on Monday. Three of those eats will be 160 cals worth of potatoes. Then I’m going to have meat and veggies which will be anywhere from about 100-300 cals. Lastly, I’ll have a banana, a kiddy yogurt, and of course my coffee. They will happen in no particular order. Beginning 1-2 hours after I get up, I’ll eat every 3 hours. I’ll be making a point of getting about a half-hour of cardio, plus strength training during weekdays. This is barely 1000 cals. If I can’t lose on this then I can’t lose on anything.

Tom says it will work if I stick to it, but I have stuck to other things long enough before to get no results. If something really is going to work, you should start seeing results within a few days to a week. Not be the same weight or more 1-2 weeks later. I get that after a week of dieting you can appear to be the same when you really lost a pound of fat and gained a pound of water. Don’t know if I can stick to it but I’m pretty sure that if I can, it won’t do me any good but to keep me from gaining more.

Aly is getting stranger by the minute when it comes to Twitter. When I mentioned that account disappearing, she said that that was because Cam deactivated it. She said he’s why she couldn’t get into it, though originally that was a good thing.

Uh-oh, something going on between those two I don’t know about? Maybe it’s time to find a partner who believes in equality within the partnership and drop the Dom/submissive thing she’s into. There’s a reason guys like him want to dominate and control. That’s simply the way they are, and if they’re going to be like that in the bedroom, why not elsewhere? Well, I hope this relationship continues to last for her, but it might be that she’s going after the wrong types of guys. Could be something wrong with her as well that’s driving people away or maybe she’s simply cursed in the love department. I don’t know. I’m not there. I don’t see and hear what goes on between them.

I had a dream I was staying in a hotel with Becky H. There might have been other people with us. While we were in the hotel suite, a small group of people entered and one of them was Steve. I pretended to be oblivious to his presence and hoped he wouldn’t recognize me after all these years.

Then we were alone again, and Becky was confiding in me about something personal that got her upset enough to bring her to tears. I hugged her and assured her she would never have just one sister.

Then I followed her into the bedroom as we continued talking. she started going through some of her stuff and I asked if she snored.

“Jodi, I won’t wake you up,” she said in a playfully scolding tone of voice.

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