Friday, October 18, 2019

The ants are continuing to be very productive and interesting to watch. They have another tunnel now, this one wider. Yes, we have an ant farm in which the gel provides them with all the nutrients they need, and we never need to do anything with them and risk getting bit or stung. The gel isn’t quite as translucent as the picture on Amazon shows, which is a bit unfortunate. I can barely see through to the center of the gel, let alone to the other side.

Been exchanging emails with Dixie, but as I told her, I probably won’t get down to see her until next week.

I’ve now been taking full doses of my medication consistently for 6 weeks. No, I’m not quite as calm as I was before. It’s like I feel myself getting close to the border of becoming anxious, but it never really amounts to anything. If it does, I’ll definitely start snipping the ends of those pills again.

Aly once again changed handles and protected her tweets. It’s got to be me she’s hiding from. Just a feeling I get even though she does know a lot more people than I do. Now Molly is likely to change handles as well. She’s said in the past she tries to keep us separate, but IDK. I think she just doesn’t want to connect with me on Twitter because I sometimes tweet controversial things that she doesn’t agree with.

The fucking traffic is back to waking me up and so did my bladder a couple of times. Plus, I woke up a million times just because. I had lots of dreams, most lasting for just a matter of seconds. Didn’t care for the dream where he and I were home and a plane flew so incredibly low and loud over the house. But in that dream, the house didn’t look like this one. It looked more like the Phoenix house.

Then I had some weird dream that took place in this house. It was nighttime, and I couldn’t get Alexa to turn on any of the lights. He was doing something outside in the storeroom and when I peeked out the back door, I saw he had a pile of stuff all over the carport driveway. I asked what was up and he said something about wanting to bring it all inside the house.

Then we decided to go somewhere and when we returned, he was working out I’m some kind of equipment in his office. He looked a lot slimmer and in really good shape. We were discussing what we wanted to do for lighting in the place and I said something about adding strips of lights to the walls. But apparently, three strips on one wall were already “up to $1,000” in costs, so we had to discuss a cheaper alternative.

Then I went to see Stacey for some reason, and as I was leaving, I noticed she was several inches taller than me unlike in real life.

In the last dream, I was single and living in a second-floor apartment. I don’t know where I was or how old I was, but it didn’t look like anything around here. More like something you’d find in the east than the west.

One day I wanted to go to the store down the street and I headed out on foot. A black guy was on the sidewalk several yards in front of me, but I could hear him speaking into a handheld recorder describing some of his life experiences.

At the store, I told him I’d been following him since such and such a street and was fascinated by his story. We got what we needed and started walking back toward my apartment together. He invited me up into his apartment which was in the building across the street from mine. But when we entered, I found he had a significant other who didn’t seem to like my presence. He and his wife, also black, were in their late 20s to 30s. The three of us sat at their kitchen table chatting for a while but eventually, I gathered up the few pieces of junk food I had gotten at the store and spilled out on the table to share, threw them in a bag, and rose to leave.

“Nice to meet you, Mrs.…” I said leaving it at that since I didn’t know their last name and no one volunteered it on my way out either.

Anyway, I’m tired so no working out tonight either. I’ll probably be even more tired tomorrow because it’s trash day. Really miss the days of being able to sleep without traffic being an issue when I’m on nights! Tonight, it’s just laundry, pet care and online stuff.

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