Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Tom won a raffle at work and will receive a $25 gift card. That reminds me… It’s the end of the month when most sweeps expire, so I should make some entries soon using the new Gmail account.

Fortunately, I was tired yesterday due to waking up too soon and not because of lowering my dose. I was able to go out walking today just fine. I passed a guy in his 70s or 80s on the way down toward the back of the park and we exchanged hellos. Caught him again on the way back and he stopped to chat and asked if I lived in the park, probably figuring I wasn’t old enough to live here.

Anyway, I pointed toward our house and said I lived on the corner and he said, “Oh, across from Jon and Carolyn?”

I confirmed and he said his name was Ken and shook my hand.

Back at the house, I gathered a pile of leaves that always love to settle in the middle of the carport.

“Hey, Jodi, you back there?” I heard Jon call.

I stepped around the mesh screen that shades the carport and Jon thanked me for pulling their trash and recycle bins in when they were in Reno, which I assured him was no problem.

Around the corner and down the street I soon went to pick up the mail where I waved hello to Joan who confirmed she got the email with the link to the screen we have. A short while later there was a knock on the door, and it was her. She said she wanted to show it to Santa but couldn’t find the link so I told her I would send it again.

Tammy said they don’t know what caused her infection or why her kidneys aren’t functioning properly. Because her immune system is shot, if she has allergy attacks or gets a cold, that’s all it takes to trigger her sarcoidosis.

Because it’s important that she get her health back on track, the house probably won’t go back on the market for a while. She’s already established with her doctors who know everything that’s going on and she feels comfortable with them. Therefore, getting a new team of doctors would be a bit stressful. I can totally relate to that one. Even though I’m healthy and go years between colds, I still have to see a PCP, dentist, and ENT once or twice a year, and now that I feel comfortable with them and they understand me well, the thought of having to start over with new doctors does kind of suck but should be worth it in the end.

Did she have to mention one of her bitches? Of course she did, and I knew she would, too. It’s a little more tolerable with voice clips, though, because then I don’t feel as obligated to acknowledge and respond in the way I would in a live chat.

When out on my walk I heard more planes than traffic and landscaping, even though I still heard plenty of that too, especially landscaping. The planes have definitely become the worst of the annoyances around here. Traffic is the biggest threat to my sleep, though, as I’ll be reminded when that loud car returns. I doubt it’s disappeared because of anyone’s complaints. More than likely something is preventing them from coming around to mooch off of mommy and daddy.

The brown noise played all through the night whereas the night before it cut out before I got up. Will probably have to have a sound machine in addition to Alexa no matter where we live since she’s not 100% reliable. But hopefully, I can just use a portable one. The goal is to get rid of the stereo. Damn is it getting old now! Got it toward the end of our time in Phoenix, so we’re talking a little over 20 years now.

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