Monday, October 28, 2019

The self-cleaning feature on our oven is absolutely worthless. I thought it a bit strange that it only ran for two hours whereas the one we had in Arizona ran all day or all night, depending on when I started it. I had to scrub the window of this one myself. The one in Arizona didn’t have a window which I hated, but it always got it as clean as new.

While I could complain about all the landscaping noise I’ve been hearing for hours now, the windstorm we had really took down a lot of leaves and twigs, so clean-up is necessary, like it or not. I had to be careful when out jogging not to slip in piles of leaves that haven’t been blown away yet.

Haven’t gone to Sam’s yet for my trifocals, but my reading and computer glasses arrived. I can actually see a little better with my older work glasses with this giant screen, so I’m going to wait for my new computer to use the new ones.

I was thinking of possibly getting an angled bob for my next haircut. When it first came into the style it just looked all wrong for the sides to be longer than the back. But the more I see them, the less strange they look. The pros to an angled bob would be that I would have a little less hair to have to deal with, but then I couldn’t gather it in a ponytail.

His app is now on Amazon as well. Work has been slow, but he doesn’t know what to expect. As in whether or not he might be laid off. I haven’t had any dreams suggesting a particular change is on the horizon, but sometimes I’m blindsided by life’s events and I don’t get any warnings. However, I’ve always had dreams in the past so I would think I’d get a heads-up if we were going to move sooner than expected. I do kinda have a feeling that change is coming, not tomorrow or the next day, but soon. I just don’t know what it could be. Hopefully nothing bad. I beat the worst of the anxiety, I hit menopause, the loud car hasn’t been around, I’ve gotten more familiar with and comfortable with more people here… Those are typical signs of the end times of a particular period.

Just my walk shows change. It was 63° and sunny and I was able to handle the walk just fine. This would have killed me when I was in the worst of the perimenopause as I was just so damn heat-sensitive then even when it really wasn’t literally hot. It was cool in the shade but slightly warm in the sun. Still, that’s all it would have taken to cause me to really feel overheated.

Never thought I’d say this but a part of me hopes they lay him off. We decided that if that happens, we’re going to aim for both things as far as moving and getting another job here. We’ll start making decisions as far as what’s to go and what’s not as if we’re about to move, but while we’re at it, he’ll look for a job and see if he can get something with better pay that would be too good to resist and worth sticking around for until he’s 66. The thing is, I can’t see him ever getting a better-paying job while I also can’t see anything up there paving the way for us to get out of the noisiest place I’ve ever lived in sooner.

I think that if they lay him off and he can’t find a better job here, we may have to do a rural detour in New Mexico or something on the way to Florida. If we have the money to buy a place outright, even if it has to be a dump, they won’t care if he hasn’t had a job in the area for a year. Assuming we couldn’t find the perfect piece of land in Florida, a Florida park is gonna want a year of employment. So we might have to detour. I just want to live where I don’t need sound machines all day and I only need Alexa to sleep with!

On the downside, being laid off could also pave the road for a similar disaster as when we left Arizona. Better to play it safe and hope to stay put till 2024. I guess it is, anyway.

The last Alexa device we got started going out when I would have her play the same brown noise to sleep with that I often have her play when I’m awake, which helps me sleep a little better during the daytime. OMG, that is so, SO typical and NO coincidence! Everything that seems to help my sleep backfires somehow. Earbuds give me earaches and now this Alexa “happens” to crap out at bedtime.

For now, I’ve swapped that one out for another device and we’ll see what happens, though I think I can guess. Some curses really are that hard to fight. I’ve been sleeping fine lately, but that could change without the extra help.

Couldn’t find Joan’s profile on Facebook but I found Santa’s. I didn’t friend him, but I see he’s also fed up with this country putting other countries first and illegals before veterans. He also seems to be sick of everything being labeled as racist and anti-Kamala Harris because of the way she’s demonstrated a desire to focus on minorities and not US citizens as a whole.

Yeah, that was my impression of her as well, and while I would rather her than Trump, I would be a little concerned with her as president because whites are being treated like second-class citizens enough of the time as it is.

I’m guessing he’s a Trump supporter, though not everybody that believes veterans should come before illegals and that the US should take care of its own first is necessarily a Trump supporter.

I know I don’t want a Republican for president because they’re the ones who go after the rights of gays and women and won’t do anything to better the healthcare system. The only problem is the yo-yo effect you got going on every time political parties change. We could get a Democrat next election that sets certain things up or implements this and that, but the next time a Republican is in power they’ll just tear it all down. One undoes what the other creates. Abortions will be easier to get as soon as a Democrat gets in, but then when the next Republican is elected women can kiss their reproductive rights goodbye until the next Democrat is elected. So what’s the point of a Dem being elected and being able to get better insurance if you’re just going to lose it 4-8 years later?

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