Wednesday, October 23, 2019

“I’m not going to be an author,” said I in a journal entry less than a month ago. Apparently, I got that wrong since I got another borrow yesterday of guess what? Yeah, that Heart of a Forest has become my definite bestseller. They estimate $4.48 so far in royalties for October. A barely noticeable amount, but I seemed to be making less than that in a year last time around, and I probably could have remained on Kobo forever and not made a single sale.

Anyway, I’ve had a productive day. I walked around the park from 8:30 to 9:00. This meant I had to deal with landscaping sounds, planes, and potentially pesky mutts, but it was otherwise a pleasant walk. I jogged a little of it but not much.

Then I checked in with Dixie who wanted to know when I would be visiting, and I asked if tomorrow morning would be okay. She misses me and I miss her too, motormouth or not. That’s why I finished the rest of the house cleaning today; so I can visit her tomorrow and then do laundry and change the rats on Friday. I like to space out the things I do, even though sometimes I’ll do something spontaneously. Like reorganizing the hall closet. Did that earlier and rearranged the kitchen a bit as well. How did we survive the kitchen in Jesse’s trailer when this one seems too small? Not enough counter space and definitely not enough plugs being that it’s an older house.

I moved the fish by the sink and put the oil diffuser where he was to mask the pigs’ smell.

It’s going to be nearly 90° today and tomorrow, which is fine with me. Makes it a little warm for sleeping and exercising but not so cold in the early mornings in here.

Tom is going to leave work a half-hour early today because he has a doctor’s appointment with his new doctor in the new medical building they recently opened here in town.

As for the truck parked close to the house yesterday…it never woke me up, fortunately. Tom confirmed on his way in that they’re painting the place. I could see this myself when I left for my walk this morning. It actually looks like whoever lived there moved out.

The ants are dying off fast and I think we’re down to just about 8 ants.

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