Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Aly bought a copy of Shane and it showed up on my reports right away. Now let’s hope I get more sales!

So far we’ve been getting away with not needing heat, but since it’s going to get all the way down to 40fucking3 degrees tonight, it will probably need to go on early in the morning. It’s 72 in here now but between my robe, being fat, and still hot flashing at times, I’m not too cold. Having more thyroid keeps me warmer as well. My T4 has settled in by now and my TSH has to be getting close starting from 20. I’m probably down to about 11 now. My end-of-the-day Merlot warms me up as well. Going to miss summer even though we’ll be back in the 80s for the highs soon enough.

Tom was able to get my preferred brand of poison on the way home. They were out yesterday. No wonder there have been complaints from pharmacists all over the country about not having enough levothyroxine, off-brands or not. This is the second or third time they’ve been out. I guess that’s because it’s dirt cheap and easy to make. Anyway, the shit will probably still be a problem at some point; just hopefully not nearly as intense as the offies.

I asked Carolyn if she could hear all these fucking planes and if they annoyed her. Turns out they lived in Natomas, so they’re used to it. I don’t see how I could ever get used to this shit. Even though it won’t do me any good and I was a little wary of giving our address, I put in another complaint. This is just fucking ridiculous. To only have peace from 12:30 a.m. to 5:45 a.m. is crazy and even then I still hear some traffic and small planes. This place has had one extreme after another, all right, putting every apartment I ever had to shame. I’m tired of being forced to choose between their noise or my own with sound machines or whatever. Sometimes I just want to hear nothing for a while. That’s just a pipe dream for the most part, though.

Some people on Twitter are into plagiarism with a twist. If you say something they disagree with, they’ll quote your tweet and change a word or two to twist things around in their favor or to make you look bad. I was confused at first, wondering how the hell they did it, but then I saw the little dot before my handle.

Didn’t quite sleep as well last time around because I kept waking up. Traffic might have woken me up once, but I can’t swear to it. I had a nightmare about walking through the woods with someone when we spotted a huge tiger. It was either a leopard or a tiger, but it was dinosaur-huge, standing many stories high.

I crouched against the wall of a small ditch, unable to conceive of how I could possibly remain calm and avoid being attacked. Fortunately, I woke up then.

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