Monday, April 20, 2020

I hear something loud cruising around out there and it’s only 7am. Ridiculous. If you can’t get peace in a retirement community, where can you get it? Perhaps the Florida panhandle? Well, that’s one option. We looked at what was available in that area as far as land with newer houses goes and it would definitely be a lot more peaceful there. Unfortunately, it can freeze during the winter but overall the winters are much warmer there. We never have 75-degree days in December or 80-degree days in January here.

I looked at crime and racial demographics to get an idea of where there may be more poverty and crime like gang activity to avoid and as long as we don’t go up to the state border, we should be okay. This is just one of many options, though, because it’s still way too soon to decide on anything for sure.

The more shit I have to put up with here, the less open I am to going to another park. Unless it’s an amazing house with an amazing view in an amazing location within the park and an amazing location around the park, I think I would prefer to return to country living. Just being able to have our own private little inflatable pool that we can use any time of night or day without having to worry about it being closed or wild brats being around would be nice.

As expected, I’m up a pound even though I shouldn’t be. So I decided that it would be pointless to go low-carb every single day. Whenever I bottom out and my weight goes into auto-reset, it won’t kill me to indulge in a few processed goodies for variety. Then when I’m up a few pounds, I can low-carb the few pounds back off. Still don’t know why my body won’t let its weight off but I guess it must feel it needs it. It hasn’t killed me yet, though.

Groceries will be delivered in about an hour and I’m going to enjoy a lazy day. Did a lot of work yesterday on various things around the house so it’s nice to relax every now and then. Not even going to go out walking. It’s very cloudy out there today and only expected to get up to 70 degrees. They called off the rain, though. After tomorrow we’ll be in for summery weather until November.

I still have cramps on and off and lately, they seem to be concentrated more on my right side. Can’t be a hundred percent sure they’re coming from any of my lady parts but it seems like they are. Still don’t think anything is wrong, though. I’m not about to run to doctors every time I feel something funny. Unless I’m in tremendous debilitating pain, I’m not going to doctors other than for my usual check-ups.

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