Wednesday, April 8, 2020

My schedule is still rolling faster and I’m still not sure why either. I mean, it’s no big deal as long as it never gets erratic which I don’t expect it to. If it was erratic, it would be much harder to calculate appointments. If this trend keeps up, I just may have to adjust the length of my day in the program. He’s still fine-tuning things but should have a copy in the Google Play store soon enough. Then my bestie can download it if she wants.

Can’t help but smile when I think of her because of how well she gets and accepts me. We agreed not to ghost Kim but just kind of pull back a bit from her, and definitely not tell her if she ever visits me because where Aly and I may have known each other for 12 years, they’ve known each other for 18. So why hurt her feelings needlessly?

Because Kim is bombarding me with so many voice messages that I can’t speed up or skim through in the way that I can with text, I may claim that I’m having audio issues so we can go back to texting. That way I can take in a lot more and quicker, even though she doesn’t text as much as she talks.

So it was me Aly was talking about ghosting on Twitter? Especially since she never denied it. Aly said she would never ghost Kim. Well, if it wasn’t me she was tweeting about ghosting, then who? She obviously wanted the person to see the tweets and she seemed to know that the person was aware of her Twitter account. So if it wasn’t me, I can’t help but wonder who the hell it was. Even though she said she wouldn’t end our friendship without talking to me first, I can’t help but think it was me and I doubt I’m just being paranoid. If I’m right, it sucks she doesn’t value our friendship as much as I do, but there’s nothing I can do about that.

I woke up to two messages from Dr. G’s office asking that I return their call. I was able to answer the third call. I swear I would drop that GYN like a hot potato if we were sticking around! She and her staff are just so fucking disorganized! I started really getting frustrated on the phone and then the nurse could see that the messages were from two days ago and apologized for the confusion. She was talking about the appointments as if they were still on and I told her, no, they’ve been canceled, and we already went through this by phone and over the portal. Again, the GYN is a nice lady but between failing to do a skin biopsy on me and then misdiagnosing me, as well as miscommunication amongst her staff more than once, she’s definitely not someone I could recommend. Others complained about that on Yelp as well.

Heard some hammering today but that’s just a regular Lakeview Village soundscape. It wasn’t at Dahl’s place, though. I’m guessing it was down by the island. I talked to a couple of guys working there as I was out on my walk. They’ve had it roped off which is probably part of why I’ve been sleeping so well since loud traffic can’t go by our house unless they’re coming or going to Blucher, a small street. Anyway, they are going to replace the pavers and make that area nice and smooth. Good. My bike will appreciate it instead of hitting all those loose and bumpy cobblestones with it.

As I told Tom, I told you so. I told you they’d be working in the road again before we left. This may be better than them jackhammering right outside our windows but still. And I still wouldn’t assume they won’t tear up the roads by our house or anywhere else either.

I think I’ve been sleeping so much better because I don’t have any immediate appointments, it has been quieter with the road blocked off and the virus going around, and he’s home all the time too. His being home all the time is something I have mixed emotions about. I still like some alone time and even though I could just go in the other room and shut the door, it’s not the same as when he’s either not home or asleep. I just like a little privacy at times, especially since I don’t type very much anymore and like to use my voice.

I wasn’t happy to learn that they’re going to do another parade on the 15th. They’re not only failing to socially distance themselves that way but being annoying to others instead.

They’re also going to do an Easter egg hunt but that wouldn’t cause them to socialize in any way. They said to color Easter eggs and put them in your window, and they’ll drive around and take a count or something like that. I’m not exactly sure how Easter egg hunts work since I grew up in a Jewish household, and I don’t really care, LOL.

Anyway, I enjoyed my walk. It was cloudy, so I didn’t have the sun in my eyes and the temperature was perfect. Went out in a sweatshirt when it was 60°. Walking around here is the only thing I’m going to miss. I’m also going to miss running around out there in the middle of the night in shorts and a tank but there are simply too many skunks here.

I created a music list for walking on YouTube. I’m tired of using my old phone because sometimes I forget to charge it and it doesn’t hold its charge for long.

Still feeling good and still back on full doses and full waiting time. I’d love to be able to go another seven weeks before I have to taper off my dose and waiting time, but I don’t expect to go that long again.

I’m glad we’ll know if Trump is going to be re-elected before we move because I don’t know that I’ll want to stay in the country if he does. If the Senate turns all-Republican, there goes both women’s and LGBT rights. Roe vs. Wade could be overturned as well as gay marriage banned and all kinds of other things. Well, even though these things wouldn’t affect us personally, that pretty much paves the way for things to happen that could affect us. What the hell country slips so far back into the dark ages like that? I’m not saying it will but it’s very possible if he gets re-elected. I still can’t believe no one’s tried to take a pop at him. I really can’t. Tom doesn’t think Roe vs. Wade will get overturned but who would have thought someone like Trump would have been elected in the first place?

I had a dream that the black bitch in Arizona dumped some old clothes of hers somewhere and I thought it was too bad that she was so much thinner than me because I really liked her style, the clothes were in good condition, and I would’ve taken them. In reality, I’d touch something of hers as quickly as I’d touch a tarantula covered in shit.

Then I dreamed that I suddenly remembered my parents’ number after not being able to remember it for so long and decided I would finally give them a call since they were likely getting worried.

In the last dream, I was in either a private school or some kind of jail. At least I think I was and that I was there against my will.

There were about four girls to a room and each room had its own locker for whatever. I kept a paper journal in one of them and one of the girls read some nasty things I wrote about one of the other girls. Something about her lips looking funny. So she ratted me out when we were all getting ready for bed. I was getting nervous because I was outnumbered. So I left the room as they flung insults at me and headed for the community bathroom.

In the doorway of the bathroom was a staff member or guard. I learned quickly that she was a lesbian because she was telling another student/prisoner about her girlfriend.

Then she turned to me and studied me and told me my “hills” were as hot as she was dangerous. Because most people are so anti-blunt and afraid to refer to something as what it is, I had to guess that “hills” was code for fat rolls.

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