Tuesday, April 7, 2020

The doctor finally quit pestering me. She wished me luck at the new place and encouraged me to get my Well Woman exams and all that and says she’s not 100% sure where she’s going. At first, I was thinking, but I didn’t even ask, and then it hit me that maybe she thinks we’re moving but staying in the area. I think they’re not allowed to say where they’re going because I know that a doctor can’t transfer from one medical group to another and take their patients with them. She was a nice lady. Just not always consistent and coordinated with her staff.

Well, hopefully I didn’t jinx myself by canceling because I swear I feel cramps at times. That can be a normal sign of aging, though, since the uterus lining tends to thin out just like skin does, so I’m not worried. The most important thing is that I’m not bleeding or having a discharge. I wasn’t kidding when I said I don’t think I could stand the testing and treatment and that I would be better off letting any female cancer just kill me, even though I still prefer to stay alive while he’s alive as long as I’m not suffering in any way.

I’ve been slacking off on going low-carb and I’m up a couple of pounds, so I’ll jump back on it. I may not care about losing weight, but I still care about gaining. When I’m somewhere in my 70s, I’ll quit caring about that too, LOL.

The sun (and planes) are out, so I’ll probably go for a walk today. Not going outside of the park for a week now that we got some stuff from Rite Aid, and we’re having groceries delivered.

Tom just read that there have been 20 Citrus Heights cases so far and one death.

How do Muslim women breathe? I was looking for videos on how they put their scarves on that cover their face except for their eyes but all I could find were videos on how they put scarves on with their entire face exposed. I managed to take my pink floral scarf and wrap it in a way that covered my nose and mouth and he made one from a piece of cloth and rubber bands to hook around his ears which he learned from a video. It just wasn’t always so easy to breathe.

Anyway, despite being totally against much of what many Muslim women stand for, they sure are gorgeous. I’ve always preferred dark over light, anyway. Dark eyes, dark hair and medium skin tones.

Mrs. Twenties was laughing as we drove by and she saw my little makeshift mask, haha. Again, I can’t help but think of and agree with how Dixie said this pandemic is straight out of a science fiction movie. They’re dropping like flies today but predicting this to be over by June. There may still be some deaths, but I hope they’re right just the same. Cali would be like New York had we not locked down as soon as we did.

Our eyes were exposed even though we had our glasses on, and that’s a risk if someone near you sneezes or coughs. Had anyone sneezed or coughed that close, I would have made damn sure it was the last time they ever sneezed or coughed at all, that’s how pissed I would have been. One dumbcock was getting on my nerves as it was by getting too close and I made sure he could hear me complain to Tom that it was kind of hard to social distance yourself when people kept walking right up to you. I swear most guys are so fucking dumb. They really are.

But not nearly as much as Kim is annoying the shit out of my buddy and I with her constant messages that are so long and rambling about the same old things over and over again. Does she really need to ask me 3 times a day what coffee flavor I last had? Most of what she rambles about has to do with the virus and June, the older woman she’s obsessed with. She even sent me a text she sent her complaining about her bugging her, and there was her full name too, which is why I’m careful what info I give Kim.

Sometimes I think I should ghost her, but I don’t know. Since her worst crime these days is just being a pest, I’m not sure what I’m going to do yet. It’s a little harder to ghost when a person is too fucked in the head to know any better. I don’t doubt that she has some awareness but it’s not like those who are sane. The termites may not be the brightest people on earth, but they knew damn well what they were doing when they chose to troll me just like I did when I used to be into trolling. It isn’t that Kim doesn’t know what she’s doing, but I don’t think people like her have the kind of control and rational thinking that most people have if that makes any sense.

I wouldn’t normally be friends with someone like her so I’m not sure what I’m going to do at this time. I still prefer to associate with those who are sane and stable. If you’re bipolar, you have emotional problems, or you have whatever the hell Kim has, there’s just way too much drama and toxicity when it comes to people like that. I’m not talking about the occasional anger, anxiety and depression we all get. I’m not perfect myself but I just can’t tolerate those that get ecstatic over virtually nothing in one breath and then batshit furious in the next over something they’ve either misconstrued or completely imagine. Or stupid idiots like Kim that just don’t get things no matter how you present something to them and no matter how many times you do it.

I’m undecided for now, as I said, on what I’m going to do about her. As I told my buddy, I’m not worried about her stalking me because she has no way of anonymously fucking with me. If she ever reached out to anyone I’m connected to on Facebook, then I’ll contact her sister. I’m not so sure she would do that now. I think she may bash me in stories and blogs somewhere, but I wouldn’t give a shit.

I wouldn’t block her if I did ghost her. I would simply ignore her. You can’t confront people like Kim and give any kind of a parting explanation without it backfiring. I learned that on Ask years ago.

Aly feels like she’s trying to bait her into a fight over the Coronavirus.

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