Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Kim is driving me crazy with long rambling messages again mostly about the virus and June. My first thought was that it was time to cry speaker/mic problems and go back to texting. It’s easier to skim words with my eyes than her 15 minutes’ worth of telling me the same old, same old.

But then again, I know what she’s saying so there’s no reason I can’t just skim through the first few seconds of the many messages. I don’t have to listen to every word.

But really, I tell her that her 14 messages are a bit too much and I wake up to 17. Stupid, stupid, dumbass idiot! And the funny thing was that she said she agreed to cut back. I’m so fucking sick of mental cases! People like her, Molly, Marie and the termites are no longer the kinds of people I can stomach. It’s one thing to be moody every now and then like we all are, but it’s another thing to be insane and always miserable. I don’t care if I sound mean or if these people can’t help being the way they are. I just can’t tolerate and deal with them anymore. I see what they mean when they say people get less tolerant with age. I’m just tired of those who are always down or angry, those who are totally stuck on themselves without much empathy if any at all, and those who just don’t listen to a damn thing you say. If you can’t do a simple little favor like cutting your messages back, what can you do? I do appreciate the way Kim is always there but her being home all the time is really making her one hell of a pest. Especially when she keeps telling me the same things over and over again. I need sane, considerate, compassionate, honest, and at least somewhat intelligent/normal people in my life!

Been bringing my dream blog up to date. I stopped updating it in 2016, so I’m bringing it up to date from there little by little, pulling dreams from journals.

Interestingly enough, I had a dream about Ruth O, though I can’t remember what it was about. Sorry, I can’t call her Aunt Ruth because she never cared to be an aunt to me.

Took the bikes out for the first time this year. Definitely going to be a while before I get back in riding shape but I was off to a great start. All the walking and jogging I do helps. Bob and Virginia were driving out as we were heading out, so it was nice to say hello to them and let them see we’re still alive and all that.

Some guy walking a dog in a motorized wheelchair commented on my colorful bike as I passed by. Not sure if I’ll take it with me when we move, though, since it’s not the greatest bike. Also, I just looked at adult tricycles and would LOVE to get one when we move. Because I’m so short, I have to jump off the seat when stopping, even with 24” wheels. With smaller wheels, my feet reach the pavement, but I’m underpowered, especially going uphill. On flat land like in Florida, smaller wheels would be fine but if I stuck with 24”, I wouldn’t have to jump off the seat. I don’t like the ones where you sit low to the ground. They just don’t look like they’d be much fun. Plus, they’d really restrict your view.

They could finish laying the new pavers down on the island today which will kind of suck because then the motorcycles and other ferociously loud vehicles can zoom right by the bedroom. It’s going to be horrible once the lockdown is lifted so I just gotta remind myself it’s only for one more year.

Eager to move or not, Tom wishes he could be permanently retired. He loves his life now. He said he could never get sick of coding, writing, gaming, exercising and taking care of the outside. I’m enjoying the lockdown too since it’s keeping things quieter, but we really do need to get back to the land of the living in order to help us get out of here. Sadly, it isn’t looking like he’s going to be able to get work anytime soon, though. Like maybe not until the end of the summer. I wasn’t kidding when I said I had a bad feeling that something up there might make it hard for us to get out of here. As fun as this may be and as great as my mental state has been, especially where the inside is concerned since he’s been home all the time, he’s got to get back to work and I’ve got to get to a dentist. Either way, though, even if the lockdown lasted a year, we’re outa this fucking place next year.

Back on my low-carb diet since all the naughties have run out. I didn’t gain back everything I lost, though. I’m one pound shy of that. I decided to low-carb it and then starve it. Tom insists that even I would lose weight if I starved after I was saying the other day that I could do that and still hold my weight. So to prove that he’s wrong and to remind myself that I’m right, I’m going to starve for a day or two once my weight gets back down to its usual low. I’ll have a meal replacement shake in the middle of my day, though, cuz I don’t want to pass out just to prove a point. So…low-carb it, then starve it. Occasional fasting is said to be good for the body anyway.

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