Sunday, April 12, 2020

It’s kind of funny how I was thinking that my journals wouldn’t be understandable in 20K years as language evolves when my oldest ones are barely understandable now. Yeah, I was a really shitty writer. I’m not about to go through 10K pages of journals, though, when I still don’t think I’ll actually share them after I’m gone, and even if I did, changing them too much takes away from what they were/are.

Almost 109K people have died from the virus. Again, we don’t mind being locked down. We’re homebodies who do well with extra time on our hands for the most part, but it’s getting kind of old at the same time. We have to schedule groceries for delivery days in advance, they’re out of damn near everything, I worry my cavities may worsen before I get back to the dentist, and having to wear a mask when we go out gets old, too. My face is hypo puffy but small by stature at the same time, so using my long floral scarf covers me easily.

Still love how much quieter it’s keeping the roads and the skies, though. it’s been dead quiet tonight. This is the way it should be every night everywhere. I’m sure I’ll hear some small planes or helicopters at some point but so far, it’s been wonderful.

Went for a half-hour walk at dusk, and it was nice.

Only I could gain 3 lbs in one day, LOL, even if it’s my fault because yesterday I ate mostly processed stuff and too much of it. Didn’t exercise either. Thank God I discovered the power of low carbs so I can lose those few pounds in no time. If I hadn’t done my research and homework on this thing, I would have probably gained steadily all my life. I mean, why would any doctor be smart enough to tell me about it, right? I’m still hypo, though, so it’s not going to have the kind of long-term effect it would have on most people. It isn’t just that processed foods put weight on me but it’s definitely not good for me and is more expensive. Luckily for me, I have learned to cook, and I actually enjoy it too.

They now have all the old pavers in the island removed and sitting in a pile around the wooden frame they were in. Really hope whatever they do to fill it in and make it smooth doesn’t wake me up. I don’t think it will since it’s a few houses away. Hopefully, car doors slamming won’t wake me up tomorrow either since I’m guessing that most people are going to want to come here for Easter instead of the other way around since the people here are old and shouldn’t be going anywhere.

Yeah, thanks to Easter and people shopping online like crazy, even though Walmart now limits you to only two items per order, I can’t get any fucking eggs. I’m going low-carb for at least 6 weeks and I doubt that 6 weeks of eggs would kill me. That is when I can get them.

We ran out to Rite Aid earlier with our homemade masks. Some people were wearing masks and some weren’t. They put a shield up at the register. We went straight for what we wanted and got out of there fast. I was surprised the store wasn’t crowded. I didn’t get any snacks, but he got a couple of packs of Zingers. He swears he’s never having chips again since they mess up his stomach.

I got my mini bottles of wine and took the last 6 merlots along with a couple of others. So anyone coming in after me looking forward to mini merlots will be disappointed.

I definitely do have TMJ be it because of my ear surgeries or not, because last night the pain I had definitely radiated within my jaw.

My nails are getting better, but I still have some of that reddish-purple discoloration as well as some lifting in a few nails. The yellow tinge has lessened quite a bit. It’s hard not to run and polish them. I hate for my nails to be unpolished!

Read more about the sterile saline water they fill the uterus with to enlarge it a bit in order to get better images. They can’t do it if you’re pregnant, though. I’m definitely not going to have this done. I might have considered the ultrasound if it didn’t take 30-60 minutes, but no thanks. As long as I’m not having any problems, I’m not interested.

Didn’t work on my story yesterday, so back on with that tonight.

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