Monday, June 15, 2020

Happy 26th anniversary to us! We’re definitely becoming a bit “old-fashioned” in that sense. Fewer people are having kids and even fewer are getting married these days. I still say to each their own, though.

Not doing much today. Just taking it easy but I’ll go out for a bike ride in the evening when it’s cooler. I gotta stop cooking for Tom, though. He says he’ll never lose weight since he likes my cooking that much. LOL

He says he’s going back to before he got fat which means he has just one full meal a day. Yeah, but he can’t go back to the body he had 30 years ago, so we’ll see. At least he’s been working out regularly and feeling well.

Whenever I’ve lost weight in the past, with the exception of going thyrotoxic, it was always slow. Always the same kind of pattern too, where I would hit a new low and sort of zig-zag between that and the next pound up, settling in for about a week, and then my hunger would increase as it would make a reach for the next pound down, hitting a new low. Well, this is what’s been happening lately, though I’m not sure why. I don’t diet and I try not to get too food-focused but accept myself as I am instead as long as I don’t gain. This is simple enough if I stick mostly to low-carb. Assuming nothing’s wrong, then I guess the weight loss is because I’m higher on thyroid than I have been in ages. My hair hasn’t been this thick in years! Even though it’s not that long, brushing it has become a bit of a challenge once again. I can’t push the detangling brush all the way through it yet when I use the brush with stiffer bristles, it snags because of the balls on the ends of the bristles. They need to come up with better brushes for thick curly hair!

So full of thyroid am I that I was worried yesterday that I could be on the verge of getting anxious again, so I cut my waiting time today just to be safe. Besides, it’s our anniversary. Who wants to wait for their coffee? I almost felt like I was getting borderline yesterday. Depending on how I feel for the rest of the day, I’ll decide what to do tomorrow. If I do get anxious, back to pill cuts I go.

I was able to go a couple of days without Ibuprofen for my ear, but I’m still wondering and worried about my neck at times. Just not to the point where I feel I have to bump up my October appointment.

Had a strange few seconds when I sat down in my chair and was dizzy. Not light-headed, but dizzy. The room spun and I almost felt like I was going to topple over to the side, but I didn’t, of course. The sensation only lasted a few seconds.

Now we’re thinking it may be cheaper to get a piece of shit rather than rent a condo and stay there for just a few months in order to test the climate. Then we would turn around and sell it and then settle where we decided to settle. You can get a place for as low as 8k in an adult community in Florida. The problem is that things always take longer than expected. It wouldn’t be just a few months for us. We’d be stuck there for close to a year. It doesn’t seem like we should be because we would be in an entirely different situation, but this has always happened to us in the past. I’ve never been able to move as soon as I wanted to. We thought we would only be in hotels for one or two months when we first came to the state and it turned out to be almost a year. I wanted to get out of here years ago yet we’re still here. I wanted to get out of the trailer much sooner than we did, and Phoenix, and other places I was in before I met Tom. I don’t know if something up there gets off on seeing me stuck in places or what, but I just know that “temporary” place to test the climate, be it a house or a condo, wouldn’t be so temporary. Either way, I’m all for the idea of a house rather than a condo. Attached living is just too noisy and you hear enough shit as it is in a standalone place.

There are some loud vehicles here lately, but the planes and traffic haven’t been nearly as maddening as they tend to be from September to around April. I’m sure there have been planes in the early mornings but I’ve been sleeping during those hours lately. Summers are always quieter here.

My dream blog, although not fully updated, has been public for some time now yet interestingly enough, when I click on “stats” nothing shows up. I would have thought some Google searches would have led to some visitors by now with all the content that’s there, but nope.

Had a few strange dreams last night. In one, I was inspecting a large furnished bedroom.

In another, I was standing on the shore of a beach watching a jellyfish and an old chimney from someone’s house slowly float by. The chimney wasn’t made of brick but wood instead. It appeared ugly and creepy to me for some reason.

In the last dream, I had a roommate somewhere. A detective came to visit with a search warrant for the roommate who was wanted on some rather serious charges (child abuse?). I told him I wished he could wait for her to return, not knowing how she’d react if I sprung the news on her while we were alone. To my relief, she came in a few minutes later while the detective was still there. He got up from the small kitchen table we had and I told her she needed to pack her stuff and get out.

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