Monday, June 8, 2020

The zucchini pretty much turned to mush and the pork was dry, but the squash came out okay and the corn and chicken came out better than okay.

We decided to bomb the place when I go to the dentist. This should be the last time we ever bomb here.

We’re still discussing various options. Can’t swear to it but right now it’s looking like we’re going to drive across to Florida. However, we’re also weighing the pros and cons of getting out of this fucked up country. I’m tired of the healthcare system here and the racial bullshit. However, I would be worried that I may have trouble getting insured and finding new doctors in another country. The US is pretty much the only country that will cater to outsiders promptly and with no questions asked. If we decided to do this, we would have to get rid of virtually everything and would spend a few months in the country before making any concrete decisions. It’s really going to depend on costs and whether or not any benefits outweigh any negatives. It really would be a lot easier to just stay in the country since no country is perfect to begin with but we won’t know anything for sure for a while yet.

Funny that this country has been preaching a lack of intolerance more and more lately, but in a sense, when you really think about it, that right there is a lack of intolerance all by itself. It’s like we’ve acquired a whole new kind of intolerance and desire to control others. But still, if only gays and lesbians could get the same love and support blacks are getting all around the world! You can destroy all the statues you want but you can’t rewrite history, as bleak as it may be.

I wasn’t going to write this just in case Aly does read my entire journal somewhere someday after I’m gone but then I said, no fucking way! I’m not holding back in my own journal because of what someone might read decades from now. Well, where Kim was driving me nuts with long and excessive messages about June, Aly is almost as bad with detailed messages about her parents’ health. It isn’t so much that I don’t want to hear it and that I don’t empathize but that I don’t know these people.

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