Saturday, June 6, 2020

Just went to Bing to get my daily “racism” points. rolls eyes

“Dallas Police Adopts ‘Duty To Intervene’ Policy To Prevent Abuse”

Oh, that’ll work. Like the pigs will really prevent each other from getting carried away, right?

“Buffalo police officers quit unit to protest colleagues’ suspension - officials”

Well, of course. Why wouldn’t corruption side with corruption?

Lastly, it’s pretty fucked up that a student has to get expelled over a Twitter post that they made in their own free time and that shouldn’t have anything to do with their studies, no matter how much people may not have liked it. Same for the guy booted off some sports team simply for his wife’s supposed right to express herself in a way no one agreed with.

Freedom of speech? Who the hell are people kidding? The correct term is more like the freedom to say what people want to hear and what’s popular opinion!

Seriously, can we please go back to segregation now since we’re obviously never going to get along? Just leave my bestie’s BF out of it. Oh, people will still find something else to pick on each other for but at least it will be something different for a change.

Did a little research and we’re starting to wonder if Blitz might have scurvy which is due to a lack of vitamin C and a known problem with guinea pigs. It’s just that tomatoes, which he loves, have vitamin C, so I don’t know. We threw in a couple of oranges in our Walmart order and we’ll see if he eats that and if it helps or not. Lack of calcium could also cause his symptoms, but guinea pigs shouldn’t have too much calcium.

I only ended up having barely 1000 calories the last couple of days and it wasn’t because I counted them or was sick in any way but simply what I ate. Protein definitely makes me less hungry. I could easily have a 3-egg omelet every day, but I know that even those without high cholesterol shouldn’t have that, so I decided I would replace the eggs with cottage cheese. There’s still some cholesterol in that but not nearly as much as eggs.

Since broccoli is said to irritate thyroids, I decided to replace it with zucchini and it’s delicious! I don’t know why I didn’t think to do this before. I’ll still have broccoli every now and then, just not as much.

The nail polish arrived yesterday and I’m hoping it helps my fungus. I have my doubts, though, with both my finger and toenails yet I don’t want to take medication for it either. If this doesn’t help, then it was just meant to be the way it is. Meanwhile, I’ll have a very expensive but lovely bright turquoise nail polish that I’ll definitely use up.

I was going to get another set of bras in a smaller size but decided not to for now. I still have smaller bras, just different styles. Instead, I got a 10-pack of low-cut boy shorts. They’re not all cotton but they’re mostly darker colors. The Alyce boy shorts are too high-cut which means they roll down my fat gut, the lace ones I got tore, and while I could get all-cotton and very comfortable Fruit of the Loom boy shorts, they have too many light colors. I prefer light bras but dark panties. It’s not easy to find sets of all-cotton boy shorts in black. I would have to get them in singles and that would be close to 10 bucks apiece.

We also decided that rather than bother with homemade masks to just get the same kind of light blue paper masks dentists, doctors and nurses use. We also got a set of pink adjustable straps so that if they’re too big on me I can secure them with that.

Now Holly is showing up in the People You May Know, so that makes all three of them. again, I have no idea if it’s because I messaged them or because they visited my profile, but I haven’t heard a thing from any of them, so that’s it from me.

Got the crazy, outlandish idea to ask Doc O out for lunch or dinner to meet one last time before we move so I can tell her about the brand issue. I won’t ask until the house goes on the market, of course. I’m going to request that I get an answer from her either way but I’m sure I won’t. I guess I’m just wondering if there will ever come a day when anyone that I never met in person that wasn’t a neighbor will ever surprise the shit out of me with a reply. Might even say hello to Doc A and Doc G a year or so after moving.

Had a split-second dream where I’m pretty sure I was in Nebraska. I plucked a leaf off a tree and studied it intently. Aly asked what I was doing and I said that it was great to finally see what she sees.

A sign we really will be passing through Nebraska? Well, I should have that answer in less than a year.

We’re having another cool spell and I’m not liking it much. It’s only getting into the upper 70s today and down as low as 53 degrees. I would be pissed if the pool was open because that wouldn’t help warm it up at all. I don’t like it under about 76 degrees in the house yet right now it’s 73 degrees in here and it’s only 2 a.m.

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