Monday, June 1, 2020

I try not to let petty shit get to me, especially when it involves people I don’t even know. But the more I think about the rude person that demanded I take my last entry down on PB because they didn’t agree with it and mistook it for “racist” and “threatening,” the more it pisses me off. Who the hell do they think they are to judge and decide whose entries should be taken down vs. those that are “right” for the PB community? I read shit all the time that I don’t like or agree with, and what do I do? I simply stop reading and move on. It’s that simple. I don’t judge you; you don’t judge me. :)

My opinion still stands, and I have every right to express myself the same as others do. I don’t support violence as a means of obtaining justice. I never will no matter who’s involved and I’m not going to change my mind just because most people think I should. I’ll be damned if I’ll run and hide just because I’m not willing to bury my head in the sand in the name of political correctness. I have no idea why George Floyd was being arrested and I really don’t care either. the fact is that he was needlessly murdered since I didn’t hear any reports of him brandishing a weapon or anything like that. No one should have to die to be arrested, and restraining someone for 8 minutes is definitely overkill. In less than that time, he should have been cuffed, hogtied if he was out of control, and thrown in a squad car. Can’t say that it was done out of “hate” as opposed to the aggressive macho bullshit stance many cops have with anybody and everybody since I don’t know the cop involved. But that doesn’t matter. Why you kill someone shouldn’t matter. What matters is dead he did indeed kill someone and it’s a shame to know that he’ll never pay for it since those in law enforcement usually take care of their own. He may be in jail now, but we’ll see how long that lasts.

Meanwhile, I’m not the least bit ashamed or guilty for feeling that looting and destroying innocent people and their businesses is totally wrong. There’s no excuse for taking your anger out on those that have absolutely nothing to do with the situation at hand and nothing anyone says is going to make me feel differently. My beliefs and opinions stand as they are just like yours do and that’s okay. :-) Violence only incites more violence. What good would that do anyone? I’m not saying you shouldn’t defend yourself if someone were to attack you personally, I’m just saying that when you’re pissed at the bank teller, you don’t take it out on the hairstylist, do you? It’s never okay to go on a rioting rampage like a bunch of spoiled children. Becoming criminals and thugs only makes you look bad. So unless the owners of this site decide to kick me off, I’m not going to stop expressing myself. I never threaten and I never divulge sensitive/personal info on anyone, so take a hike if you don’t like what I have to say. No one’s ever obligated to read me. :-)

Had to laugh at the president running to hide in his little bunker, though, and threatening military action. Yeah, the dumb cock loves to make all kinds of empty threats but that would actually be against the law. In this country, military action is to defend against other countries. I do defend the right to drive through protesters who are blocking roads, especially in emergencies. If you’re dumb enough to stand in the middle of the fucking road, you could be hit no matter what the circumstances.

When I think of how this decade has begun, I’m surprised it’s not the 40s instead of the 20s since 4 is such an unlucky number. Not even halfway through the year and first it’s the virus and then corrupt cops and violent protests. They say bad things happen in threes. What’s next? I cringe just thinking about it. It’s like the world is going to hell but then humanity has always had its ups and downs ever since it existed. I think it just seems a lot worse now because the news is so in our faces that it seems to compound and magnify things, not to mention the fact that there are a lot more people in the world now than there were 30, 40, 50 years ago.

In general, I’m much more concerned with those I care about and my own personal health and well-being than what’s going on in the rest of the world, selfish or not. My husband, my upcoming root canal, my bestie…this is what’s on my mind right now.

Moving on. The lights were flickering really badly all through the night to the point that the power would cut out for a few seconds every now and then. It puts stress on me because I’m on nights now and it was shitty timing like most things seem to be in my life. Luckily, though, it has been taken care of and everything’s been holding steady ever since, so I’m relieved and appreciative of that much. It cost $160. I was worried it would take days to get someone out here which would make it even harder on me, especially when I have two appointments back-to-back that are coming up soon enough. Yet he called someone a little after 8 and they were out shortly before 10. Didn’t take them long to fix the problem which was exactly what he thought it was. One of the circuit boards had corrosion. Definitely glad it’s fixed since it was 90 degrees yesterday and it’s going to be 100 degrees tomorrow.

I was going to crash at 6 but ended up not crashing till around 11 with the exception of dozing off for nearly an hour beforehand. I even pulled out the old portable sound machine in which the batteries were amazingly still good. The sleeping earbuds would be great for on the road if they didn’t give me those horrible earaches every now and then. Anyway, I slept on and off until 4 and was woken up by traffic once, not at all surprisingly. Then I kept waking up because I was worried I was going to sleep too late and fuck up my schedule. No motorcycles or new house today, though. No idea when they’re going to haul it in. At least the motorcycles usually aren’t as bad during the week. As I’ve always said, it isn’t so much the residents that are annoying but their visitors and workers. They were annoying in my dreams, all right. First I dream that insanely loud car returned only it looked like an old Caddy. The kind that was really long.

Then I was being annoyed by the damn sawing at Dahl’s place. I looked out and saw two people in the carport and decided it was time to finally find out why there was so much sawing going on over there. But as I was heading across the street, Virginia was sitting with a few people on a grassy area that’s really where this retaining wall is in front of the house. When I saw Virginia, I hesitated and decided to postpone complaining since it didn’t involve her. But they had already spotted me and insisted Tom and I eat some of the food they had grilled. Some guy handed me a plate with a burger and steak fries that looked delicious, LOL.

Back to reality. I ended up taking a nap from about 8 p.m. to 9:30 and I’m still tired. Hopefully, I’ll sleep better tomorrow with no interruptions. Right now I’m going to bake some fried clams and just kick back and relax with a movie.

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