Thursday, June 11, 2020

The root canal is done! It was WAY easier and quicker than I expected. Definitely worth it to go to a high-end place. They were over in Roseville.

Woke up at 4:30, just in time to hear the motorcycle roar out of here. I was a little scared when I first took the Halcion at 6:30 which was an hour before the appointment because I’m always nervous about anything I haven’t taken before. Yet it wasn’t quite like Lorazepam even though they’re related. In 10 minutes you feel an instant effect from the Lorazepam but it’s very short-acting. This made me more tired, but it was a gradual and longer-lasting effect. I was able to walk into the building okay, just a little slow.

After a brief wait, someone took my temperature and Tom made himself comfortable with his phone in the waiting room as I was taken into the exam room and prepped by Samantha. Doctor K and his assistant Sam were wonderful. He slipped half of the second Halcion under my tongue and the non-epinephrine numbing agent they gave me worked its magic during the entire procedure. I really thought they would be working on me for over an hour but nope. Took only about 40 minutes. As a bonus, I’m no longer freaked out by those electronic blood pressure cuffs that they had to use. It didn’t hurt at all. My upper number started off in the 160s but dropped to the 130s as I calmed down. My HR went from the 90s to the 80s.

Because I was so groggy, Sam wheeled me out in a wheelchair while Tom pulled the car around. I’ve had absolutely no pain at all! :-) I indulged in a 3-hour nap shortly after getting home and gave Dr. K and his staff rave reviews on Yelp, Google and Facebook.

Sam had me LMAO when she said she thought I was 100-110 pounds and went, “No way!” when I told her I was in the 150s. Muscle definitely makes you heavier than you look. I may not be that big but I’m damn heavy.

Now all I have to do is wait for my dentist to call to schedule to fill me in. She finally sent us a bill too, and $74 for her to have to open things up for an emergency was quite a bargain since we were expecting it to be over $100.

The only thing the doctor said that I didn’t like was that my tooth shouldn’t be affecting my lymph nodes or energy levels. I hope Tom is right when he says he thinks that it was just aggravated by stress. Really want to just get filled up soon and then not have any appointments until I see Doc A in October.

My ear got on my nerves at the end of my day yesterday to the point that I had to take Ibuprofen, but it’s been okay so far today. Going to oil it in just a bit.

I repolished my nails a little while ago, and believe it or not, I really do think the tea tree oil is helping even after just one use! But I think it’s only helping with the discoloration, not the lifting. I’m still not sure what to make of the lifting. That seemed to improve with the calcium supplements but now I’m not so sure.

Since I just saw my ENT, I would have thought I would dream of her if I was going to dream of any of my doctors, but instead I dreamed of my GYN. It seemed like I was at some summer camp or resort. I glanced at people swimming in a lake as I entered a building.

I don’t know if this was connected to the dream the GYN was in or not, but we were neighbors in an apartment building. Permanently or temporarily, I don’t know, but she lived a few doors down. Seems like we were several floors up. I would visit her for an hour or two late at night and we would chat, and I would wonder how she had the energy to see patients all day after staying up so late.

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