Friday, June 5, 2020

I slept well but now I’m not sure if I’ll sleep well until after my appointments. Tomorrow is trash day. Weekends are more likely to call for motorcycles. Then beginning next week, I’ll have the stress of my upcoming root canal.

With today’s technology, I jokingly suggested to Tom that we leave cameras behind when we leave so we can see what the next people do to the place. If it’s completely empty, though, then cameras would be hard to hide.

Now Shannan is showing up under the People You May Know section. No Holly yet. Again I can’t help but wonder what this means. Did she just pick up my message or is it only because I messaged her? If I had to guess she and Doc H picked up my messages and then visited my profile. If Holly’s picked up hers, she hasn’t looked in on me.

I kicked Twitter off my toolbar for now because I can’t stand the violent videos anymore showing all the police brutality and rioting going on. It’s nothing but a surefire way to get me angry, depressed and anxious feeling, and that’s something I can certainly do without. Filtering keywords doesn’t work when they’re trending in the news. I don’t see any way to hide the news feed when I use Twitter on my computer, so I’ll only use it on the phone. I also can’t see a way to use the account switcher on the phone, so I’ll only use my private account there. Facebook no longer shows trending news, so the only place I should have to have it shoved in my face is when I go to get my Bing points.

Because the world is full of liars, there’s no way to know who’s telling the truth in the case of Justin Howell in Austin where the pigs fired a “less lethal” bullet at his head and cracked his skull and then fired at the medics trying to help him. It’s fucking sick either way. Of course the pigs claim he was struck by accident and that they were really aiming for people throwing bottles at them.

What sickens me even more was the unarmed white guy in his seventies that the pigs shoved to the ground in New York. He started bleeding like crazy as soon as his head hit the ground and the pigs walked on by like nothing ever happened, claiming he “tripped” when the video clearly shows otherwise. This won’t get nearly as much coverage, of course, because he’s white, but it further proves my point that the pigs will abuse anybody, and being white doesn’t automatically make you “privileged.” Anybody who thinks that is sadly naive and mistaken. Just ask the Cali illegals getting free medical care while we have to pay for our own needs.

Right now it seems like both sides are fucked up in their own ways. Seriously, this world is getting more and more twisted by the moment. We still have far too many blacks falsely and unfairly crying racism and ruining countless lives. But our police departments definitely need serious reform as well. I doubt much will happen to any of the pigs involved in brutality since they do protect their own. Parades, marches and riots have never changed much of anything either other than to allow people to vent. No matter what color I was, the pigs are the last ones I trust to protect and serve me. The problem is - and I don’t need a degree in psychology to know this - those who would make better cops aren’t usually interested in the job to begin with. It’s those who are aggressive and like to act out that aggression that are much more likely to apply.

At about 4 in the morning yesterday, I heard about half a dozen gunshots. Because I don’t know much about guns, I couldn’t say what type of gun or how far away it was. I don’t even know if it was connected to what’s going on.

No more front-loading washers. The guy that set it up was right about them being high-maintenance. With my bloodhound nose, I can smell mildew buildup no matter how much we try to clean it. They may not clean clothes as well since the clothes don’t get rinsed beforehand, but back to top-loaders we go in the next place. I also get tired of the pod getting wedged between the rubber seal in the door if I don’t put it in a sock bag first.

Wonder if I slipped into another dimension last night in my sleep given how detailed the dream I had was. An ordinary-looking dark-haired woman in her forties came to pick me up and take me to her place.

She had a small home out in the country. The area had a mix of hills and patches of wooded areas. For some reason, she got tired and ended up taking a nap in the one-bedroom cottage-like home. She left the door open and was just down the hall from the kitchen.

So I sat at the kitchen table writing in a notebook to pass the time. I was writing a book about my life that I decided to name Not Dropping My Anchor. On the way over, I explained to the woman that I thought it was an appropriate title since I didn’t plan to stay where I was currently living.

I knew that the woman had a gun in the drawer of her nightstand. I then heard someone fiddle with the lock on the back door just a few feet away from me. The way they were taking so long to open the door made me think they were breaking in. Not knowing if they were armed, I ran and hid in a closet. When a guy finally entered who I could see was unarmed through the cracked door, I wondered if I should jump out and surprise him, but then he walked down the hall and began to argue with the woman. I decided to stay where I was in case she shot him as I didn’t want to get caught in the crossfire. But then the guy left and the woman went back to napping.

I casually walked over to a window on the other side of the kitchen and looked down the hill at this dumpy-looking single-wide trailer. I could see several colorful kids’ toys strewn about as well as one of those plastic free-standing basketball hoops. I could imagine how noisy it would be when the kids were out playing, reminded of the fact that the country isn’t always totally peaceful.

Then I decided to take a few pictures on my phone so Tom could see where I was since he had never been there before. But it was starting to get dark and the pictures barely came out. That was when I decided to wake the woman up and ask her to bring me home.

In a split second, she was out the door and I was scrambling in the dark to gather my stuff, unable to find a light switch. I felt my phone in my pocket and decided that was most important so all was good enough.

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