Thursday, June 4, 2020

I know I said I've had enough of this subject, and yes, I have. But I can't help but note that it's a damn shame that apparently, it's now racist to say that ALL lives matter. Just ask the sports announcer who was forced to quit for saying this. So I guess that because one group matters, others don't? As usual, it's blacks against whites and whites against whites. Reminds me of those who insisted marriage should only be between a woman and a man. Why does everything have to be one way or the other and so all or nothing? And how much longer is every single fucking site we go to going to shove BLM in our faces? Getting pushy is not the way to obtain approval. if anything, it's only going to bring on more resentment. 

I asked Tom if he felt BLM was a hate group and he doesn't. I don't know about that, though. They've been pretty damn disruptive in some cases. Certainly not as vicious as groups like the KKK, but I think that anytime a group is created for one particular group only and not people as a whole, that pretty much tells me something right there. 

Who knows how much longer this bullshit subject is going to be run into the ground and people (of all races) are going to carry on like spoiled children taking their animalistic shitfits out on innocent people? The fuckers are not only hurting innocent business owners but they're interfering with people getting tested for the virus along with a host of other things.  

They even started rioting in France, but they love to riot there so this doesn't surprise me. Give them the slightest excuse and they're quick to get their riot on. I swear I am SO sick of this world and the people in it at times! 

At least the cheeseburger pie came out well. I've gained a few pounds, though, so time to low-carb back down to my usual plateau. 

The planes have continued to be quiet at night but they're getting annoying again in the early mornings. I was hoping I would get a few months off from their shit but I'm sure they're going to be annoying for the most part for as long as we live here. 

Tom took the test today and it turns out that even though he was sure to have a dumb moment when it came to it and was quick to let them know that he wouldn't accept less than $19 an hour and couldn't start until after the 11th, they want to send him on a fucking interview anyway. Well, of course they do. He went from not being able to work to not being able to stop working to trying not to work, LOL.  

Turns out it's the same company he worked for when we first came to Cali. He really wants to wait until October and then do holiday work and get extra money that way, but he may have no choice. It might look suspicious to Unemployment if it takes him too long to get a job. They may get curious as to why he's had offers and interviews yet is still unemployed. But it would be a temp agency so we would still have the better insurance we now have. 

Not only does he hope they don't want him since we're getting more money for free, but that virus is still out there, and we still don't have a vaccine either.  

I'm tired today because I was up for a long time and didn't quite sleep for 6 hours. Part of my fatigue is stressing over my upcoming root canal. Nothing woke me up, although there was a project today. Gee, what a surprise! And what a surprise that it was at Dahl’s place. The project whore got new windows from what we can tell. At least this wouldn't have called for much sawing and hammering if any at all. 

I just can't wait to one day be able to go to sleep and not worry if anyone's vehicle or project will wake me up! But I still do worry about Florida’s storms. Maybe it won't be any worse than the monsoon storms in Arizona, but I don't know about that. I would think there would be a lot more storms in Florida than in Arizona. 

We thought the quickest way would be to go through Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and so on, but as I said a few entries ago, it's actually shorter and quicker to head toward the Midwest and then drop down from there. It’s just the way the roads are set up. We're still a ways away from any concrete plans but now we're thinking that instead of a truck and trailer, getting an RV and having it pull Candy might be our cheapest and safest bet since electric cars are so expensive in Florida for some reason. It's weird too, because RVs and gas cars are similar to here but those Nissan Leafs? Not quite.  

My biggest concern, although this would only be temporary even if “temporary” may seem like forever to me, is how the hell I would get much sleep until we're on solid ground somewhere. The older I get, the harder it is to deal with a lack of sleep. So even if it was just the couple of weeks Tom expects it to be, that would be like a few months to me, and I would be willing to bet just about anything that’s exactly what it would end up being. You know things always take longer and don't go according to plan, I reminded him. We were only supposed to be in hotels for a couple of months when we came down from Oregon and that couple of months turned into nearly nine months. 

I love to fly and he hates to drive, and flying may be more fun, but I don't see how we could afford to fly, spend even just weeks in a hotel, and then buy another Candy (or something I'd assign another silly name to if it wasn't candy apple red). 

The first thing that comes to mind when I think of RV parks is a ferocious symphony of screaming kids, barking dogs, motorcycles and God knows what else. But they do have 55+ RV parks in Florida. Fortunately, Florida has a lot of old folks in it. :-) Great! This eliminates everything but the mutts since they’re not going to pull a motorcycle. This way, even if they had grandkids, why would they be there? If you're traveling to see your kids and grandkids, wouldn't you visit them at their place instead of having them come to your RV? 

Another concern is whether or not a park will let us rent or buy anything due to not making enough money but if worse comes to absolute worst, we could always slap on a down payment on a piece of land somewhere, which is where I think we're going to end up anyway. 

If things go really wrong, the climate will mess with my asthma and allergies and the storms won't let me get much sleep and therefore we would likely end up in Texas somewhere. Imagine if we had to move there and Molly knew it, LMAO! I would make sure she didn’t, though, unless Aly told her. I'm not telling anybody but Aly where we're going despite how easy it would be to find our location once we got settled into something we owned. I may mention moving and whatnot in blogs, but I don't have to say where we're going. I’ll tell Kim which state, but there’s no need to mention the town.

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