Thursday, June 15, 2023

Happy 29th anniversary to us! Oh, and be careful what you wish for. The other day, I was missing having rats that liked me enough to be a pest and today I got what I wished for and missed. It’s definitely not all about food anymore. I had given her plenty yet she was still climbing all over me for attention while my own food that just finished cooking was getting colder, haha. She’s definitely getting curious to explore her surroundings. It’s so adorable how she leaps onto my shoulder when I open her cage door. She was trying to pull me into the cage too, LOL, tugging on my shirt. I just wish she didn’t bite as much, playful or not, but rats do that at times. 

She’s grown in the two weeks she’s been here. It will be interesting to see if her fur remains silky soft like Tinkerbell’s did. Males do tend to have coarser fur, so we’ll see. 

Speaking of Tinkerbell, it’s interesting that Tinkerbella changes for the better after I pleaded to Tinkerbell in my mind to please let go of her jealousy. I told her, if you somehow go on and it’s true that you’re jealous of any future rats and fear them taking your place, there’s no chance of that. You were my queen and you always will be. But please don’t be negatively affecting future rats. Please let them be as fun and loving as you were, even though none can ever replace you. 

Then two days later, Tinkerbella is all over me instead of running away. Coincidence? Sure makes me wonder! 

I’m beginning to wonder if I’m ever gonna be able to go a day in my life without hearing about Trump and seeing that ugly face online, along with DeSantis and racism. The support for him isn’t just disgusting, it’s downright frightening. How many people do you have to be accused of raping and how many derogatory comments do you have to make regarding women, let alone have a hand in stripping their rights before you start losing supporters? Seriously, how much deceit, dishonesty, and blatant lies does one need to tell before they lose support? What if he had succeeded in having the government overthrown and we’d been cast into a dictator country? Would people still support him then? 

Anyway, even though I’m as tired as I usually am, we’re gonna be going to Denny’s early this morning. I usually get steak and eggs but I think I’ll get the chicken tenders this time if not salmon. Tom doesn’t enjoy eating out, so that’s why we’re not going to Red Lobster. Denny’s is our compromise. I’m going to lie down and see if I can nap a bit for now.

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