Friday, June 16, 2023

Ugh, I'm horribly, horribly tired, even though I slept over 7 hours and got a decent sleep score. This time, there was only one little spike of orange too, on the oxygen chart. This is so frustrating and very worrisome too. It’s like when I first noticed I was unable to lose weight where I certainly don’t want anything to be wrong, but if they don’t find anything that could be causing this, I would be so frustrated! I ate shitty stuff yesterday which could be part of why I’m really bad today, but I still think that for the most part, this doesn’t have anything to do with lifestyle, emotions, or thyroid. I’m thinking sleep apnea or heart. 

I thought of how Tom said he couldn’t believe the doctors wouldn’t notice if anything was wrong with my heart. But they weren’t testing for that. EKGs don’t always tell it all. They wouldn’t notice that I’ve got Hashimoto’s either. Something’s definitely wrong. I just hope they can find it and that I can stand whatever it takes to treat it. 

I still fear I’m doomed to suffer from one thing or another for the rest of my life. I hope I’m wrong, even though I haven’t gotten a break in about a decade! 

Early yesterday morning, we had torrential rains for about 10 minutes. There was some thunder but nothing that would have woken me up if I’d been asleep. 

Went to Denny’s shortly before 6:00 AM and I got the best chicken strips ever. They were really good. I had French fries and onion rings along with it. So a nice treat albeit not very healthy. He got his usual ham and cheese omelet. 

Came home and golfed, and then I went to Denmark. I was too tired to get close to Sweden, but maybe in a day or two, if I can ever wake the hell up. I’m gonna have to nap after I eat a little. How can I have insomnia at the same time I have fatigue??? I thought I would crash earlier yesterday, but I didn’t. I was up for 18 or 19 hours. 

Had so much fun playing with Tinkerbella yesterday. The first few days we had her, I wasn’t sure if I’d made a mistake. The next few days, I would have been a little bummed out if she was suddenly gone. Now I’d be heartbroken. She's greased lightning as they usually are as babies. She was jumping and running all over me as I lay on the bed with her and was running all over the bed as well. She’s definitely getting way more curious about the world around her.

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