Wednesday, September 27, 2023

I was quite stunned to learn that I slept through the loud mower the other day. So yeah, the “doghouse” was more or less a training thing to get me used to sleeping here and soon I should hopefully not need it. I don't want to take it down until after the honker returns and I sleep through his motorcycle and see if Ray stays quiet. The mower right outside the window is definitely louder than the motorcycle across the street so there's hope. There's no way I'm taking the soundproofing out of the windows, though, even if it means giving up having natural light in there in the daytime.

Went to the lab and totally regret requesting to go there because as soon as I messaged them yesterday the symptoms stopped. I should have given it a little more time because whenever it's connected to my TSH getting too low, the symptoms don't stop until I scale back the meds. I should have also had common sense to know that my TSH couldn't drop that fast. I'm sure by now I'm close to 20. :-(

Tom and I talked about it and we don't think Synthroid would make a difference and we both agree it's connected to the loss of my gallbladder. My gut feeling says so, the timing can't be a coincidence, and if it was a matter of inconsistent dosing, my numbers wouldn't be so extreme. The numbers may fluctuate a few points but they wouldn't keep going up and up and up so drastically, too. You're talking about going from 7 to almost 20.

The question is whether or not increasing my dose is the answer or if it'll work itself out on its own. We decided to wait and see what the numbers are and then decide where to go from there as far as what to do and what to take. I'm keeping the appointment with the endo for now but may cancel later on. I just don't know if I like or trust this doctor.

It was also ridiculous how I was the first appointment after lunch as even her nurse said, yet I had to wait over half an hour for her. After about 35-40 minutes of waiting, the nurse came in to ask how we were doing and I said that the wait was frustrating since it was right after lunch, and she said she would remind the doctor again that I was waiting. Well, I hate to say it but I kind of question any doctor that has to be reminded that she has a patient waiting for her.

I'm not going to do much with the treadmill and Bowflex at this time due to the weather but I'm going to do the vibe platform most days of the week, which is indoors where it's cool and dry.

I think I'll move out of my closet now and into the kitchen, even if it means listening to planes until midnight. I don't understand for the life of me why I can't get used to the damn things after nearly a decade of living with them. Why is it so damn annoying to me, even though it's not that loud and it's not the type of sound most people hate, like nails on a chalkboard?

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