Tuesday, June 4, 2024

I wonder (and worry) how much higher my TSH is going to climb. It's 77 degrees in here and I'm cold as fuck. I fear it's going to be a yo-yo thing with me for the rest of my life because of the cholecystectomy. I swear it's like something doesn't want me being consistently under 10 or losing weight. But I still have the medication fears putting a complex on me as far as that goes. If there is anything actively choosing what goes on in my life, why is it against me being thin? It's not like I've never been thin before. For the most part, I was thin until I was in my 40s. So it's nothing new and if anything, it could actually help me and make me even healthier by lowering my cholesterol and blood pressure. Or is that the point... to keep those elevated? It's not like my cholesterol would ever be perfect no matter how skinny I was.

Despite averaging just 1300 calories over the last handful of days, my weight hasn't gone up or down, but I definitely have fewer tummy issues. I'm doing my best to eat better and act like I'm already diabetic in hopes of preventing me from actually getting there, but my genetics may eventually work against me no matter what in the future. It's too soon to say for sure, so I really have no idea what may eventually happen. I may still get a treat once a week or so along with some wine, just not as much as I used to. They say moderation is key, after all, and forever is such a long time. I just can't write off sweets and wine for the rest of my life. And we're still going to Red Lobster for our anniversary and I'm still going to indulge in Chinese food, which is something I only do once every year or two. I like to get a huge variety that lasts for days.

In the end, I really appreciate my stomach not hurting as much. Funny too because Gastro Florida keeps sending me emails. Thanks to them, I've traded in one problem for a new one, so I'm not interested! I get that the surgery was necessary, but still, some procedures really do have their consequences. It just would have been nice if they told me and I didn't have to find out the hard way. I did do some reading beforehand, though, because I knew they wouldn't tell me everything, so I wasn't completely taken by surprise.

Alexa is getting more AI-like. I asked her why the sky was blue. I knew it had to do with the way light scattered, but I forgot the specifics. Before she answered, she goes, "Is the sky blue?" And then after she finished her explanation, she said she would love to experience that someday, lol.

I still don't like her voice, though. I mean, it's okay, but I was never really that impressed with it. I'm surprised there aren't a lot more options for voices as well as for notification/confirmation sounds.

ChatGPT was down yesterday, which was quite a crisis for me, lol. I just don't like Copilot as much.

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