Saturday, June 8, 2024

I was reading about how easy it is to meet people online these days compared to when I was young. I've often wished it had been this easy to meet other women back then, but at the same time, I'm glad it wasn't. Otherwise, I might never have met Tom. I know some people believe you're either gay or straight, but I don't think it's that black and white. Many have questioned how I could like a guy when I've been attracted to many women in my life. It's kind of like this: say your favorite color is red, and you're looking for a red dress. You find five that are appealing, but then you see a couple of green dresses, and one of those has everything you want, from style to price to comfort. Tom was that unique green dress. That's the best way I can explain it to anyone who doesn't have common sense. ;) I’ve been attracted to dozens of women in my life, but none of them have compared to Tom, especially in personality.

Speaking of hubs, I was a little annoyed last night because I lost a few hours of alone time when I had plans to do certain things I do better by myself. One of us with a wacky schedule is bad enough. However, the day he gives plasma tends to drain him, and he fell asleep early and woke up early. It turned out okay, though, because we had fun golfing, and then he went down for a nap for a few hours.

Some of the tiny houses I've seen pictures of that are right on the ocean are so cute. I joined a tiny house group on Facebook and even made a Pinterest board for them. I would never want to live in one unless I was single and didn't have much stuff, but they are adorable. The view is to die for no matter what you're living in. Anyway, maybe I will use Pinterest a little more often than I have been. I have nearly 23K pins!

As for the strange message I got on Pinterest, I can't believe who I first thought was behind it would play games, nor can I believe they wouldn't have sent a quick reply to my message since they took the time to send one in the first place. So, I'm guessing it had nothing to do with who I thought it was, and I also realize there's nothing to say any of my blog visitors is this person either. Am I a little disappointed? Yeah, I guess so, but it's probably better this way. People don't change. It was probably a spammer, and they probably haven't replied because they haven't been on Pinterest. I should go block them because I'm not interested in whatever they're selling when they return.

I woke up super tired today because I woke up a few hours after crashing, needing to use the bathroom, and I couldn't get back to sleep for two hours. When I finally fell back asleep, I kept waking up. Then, I stupidly napped for a couple more hours. While this helped give me a little more energy, I've got to really try not to let my schedule jump ahead too much because I still have five days before my appointment, which is early in the morning.

For some reason, I thought I was having about 1600 calories a day. But for the last several days, I actually started counting them without limiting or changing how I eat, and I'm actually closer to 1100 to 1300. As a postmenopausal woman who no longer has the hunger of PMS or perimenopause, if I ate like this back when I had a normal thyroid/metabolism, I would definitely be skinny. In my 20s, I used to swear that all fat people stuffed themselves and anyone could lose weight. How I've learned my lesson!

I've been having tummy issues the last few days, and I'm wondering if I'm sensitive to Ezekiel bread. The research I just did suggests it certainly could be the cause.

At least I can still eat Chinese! I don't think I'll pick it up today, but I'm going to try a restaurant I picked out soon. I'm gonna start with their house platter and some beef fried rice.

I got my patchouli incense yesterday, along with the incense matches and my VR lenses. Not sure things are much clearer, though, because I swear the last eye doctor we saw gave me a bad prescription. I haven't used them enough yet to really make a judgment.

Leave it to Facebook to remove a post of mine from 2010. Really, guys, why now??? This was on my main account of course.

Finally, I came up with a good idea for the bedroom windows. They have these sticky foam tiles used for sound dampening. It's black foam and not a decorative textured vinyl tile with foam inside like what we're going to get for the walls. They're ugly, but the curtains would cover them. I decided we should put them on both the upper and lower panes of the back window and then stick them on the bottom pane of the front window. Then we'll take something with a little bit of flexibility so we can fit it in snugly yet remove it to open that window when we air the place out after bombing, and stick the tiles to that. Maybe a piece of cardboard just a little bigger than the pane or something like that.

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