Sunday, June 30, 2024

Tom’s outside setting up the new automatic sprinkler operator. He could even set it up to be smart if he wants to. This way, whenever there’s a power failure like there was for a second today, he doesn’t have to get out an old book and look up the code to reset it. Now it can be on a more consistent timer.

So, I was sitting there last night when shortly after 9:00, I started hearing these “scuffling” sounds. These bumps and bangs that make me feel like I'm in a hotel or an apartment. Then I realized it was just our local attention-getters fireworking. So now I'm going to have to listen to this shit for days, and it's not even July. I still can't believe we're hearing this shit here with all these old people.

The fatigue is back. I figured it would be and that the burst of energy I had for a while there was just a fluke. So now things are going to be hard again, and I’m going to have to do things little by little in stages as energy levels permit. I’d like to think that the only reason I’ve been tired these last couple of days is because I haven’t eaten as healthy, but I doubt it’s that simple. Like I said earlier, I’ll call the sleep doctor tomorrow and make one last-ditch effort to get it resolved. But if there really is anything up there actively cursing my sleep, then there’s not going to be any getting around it.

I asked the Twenties what their advice was as far as trying to get all these damn planes out from over my head, and they suggested filing a complaint with the FAA. Been there, done that, but they just don’t care. People and businesses never give a shit about the noise they generate or who it affects. Besides, it’s not just commercial planes. That’s most of the problem, but today, for example, it was small plane annoyance day.

I was thinking of and missing Aly like I do so much of the time even though it’s now been a few years, and remembering how she used to hate when people would read her blog without commenting. She always said that if people could take the time to look over their shoulders, why couldn’t they afford to drop a comment every now and then?

I get what she meant, but at the same time, I don’t mind silent readers. However, if I were writing that my pet or someone close to me died, or that I had a serious accident, illness, or injury, and no one at least cared to take the time to jot down a quick “I’m sorry” or “get well soon,” that’s different. Then you’re just being a nosy lurker instead of someone who actually cares. At least that’s how I would feel anyway.

Avoidance prevents conflict. I totally get that too. We all have a right to do what works best for us to protect ourselves. But there’s a time to be selfish and think of ourselves first, and then there’s a time to be a little more giving and take a chance. Self-preservation is a great thing, but sometimes it’s simply appropriate to consider others.

I had a dream that two nurses were cleaning my ears. One did one while the other did the other. I know I’ve had many more dreams. I’m just not able to remember them.

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