Tuesday, June 18, 2024

My poor little ratty hurt one of her back legs somehow. This is common with rats, just like people sometimes twist their ankles. She seems to be doing a little better, and we’re keeping an eye on her, of course.

I’m still having symptoms that make me think I’m hypo, and others that say I’m not. I was cold in my sleep and had to turn the fan off, but I’ve been fine ever since waking up, and the scale says I’m not hypo.

My stomach is telling me to back off the probiotic drinks. Just when I thought they weren’t going to upset my stomach, they do.

I definitely sleep better with Benadryl, but I don’t want to overdo it and get too used to it. So I went without it and did wake up a little more, but I slept through the mower, which is good. Also, since it had been a few days since I took my multivitamins, I realized when I woke up with sufficient energy that the bed is definitely helping a lot more than I expected. I’ve been sleeping a little longer, though, which I thought was a hypo sign. I’ve been sleeping 8 to 8.5 hours instead of 7 to 7.5 hours.

I crossed the Vermont border last night and thought to myself, "Goodbye, mystery girl. Love ya, but it’s time to move on!" I’ve got about 280 miles left. I’m anxious to get this ride done and over with so I can share it with the group and move on to other rides. I want to do a handful of short rides other people created before I do the next big ride I planned from Finland to Greece.

I wish we could make copies of ourselves and have multiple dimensions within one dimension to live in different places at once. I want to stay here. I want to move near Jessie. I want to move further south. I want to move to Hawaii. I want to get land near Becky. I want to go somewhere where it rains a lot because I like rain.

Little Miss Be Happy still has some guy pounding away at her place, but I still can’t tell what the hell they’re doing. I didn’t see anybody when I checked the back cam, so I’m guessing they’re doing something on the side of the place. If Ray were here, I would feel bad for him. I’m just glad it isn’t us next to her!

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