Sunday, January 18, 2004

And again Tom got a ticket I told him was doomed to lose.

The coins, which have 10 hours to go, are up to $32 and he had had only a goal of $15 on those. Tom’s all excited about it. He didn’t expect to get that much. Maybe the money-making curse is more on me than on both of us. Today he’s also going to put up his baseball cards, half-dollars, and mixed coins in 3 separate auctions. He hopes to get $15 for the mixed coins, $20 for the half-dollars, and $20 for the baseball cards.

He decided to keep the newly minted pennies, saying they’re not that valuable yet. We’re also going to put up some of the plates I don’t want. There are 6 in all, 3 of which his mom gave us.

We’re putting up these things starting at next to nothing and with no reserve. He’s starting the coins off at face value, but everything else will start at like a buck if even that. It’s basically stuff we don’t want that we’re willing to give away for very little so others can enjoy it. If not, the stuff will just get dumped.

We’re probably going to ditch the RV idea. I mean, sure it’s nice to be able to test the waters and check out various areas, but things can change. An area can seem pleasant enough at first, then in comes trouble.

If we’d known we’d be moving so soon after getting this place, we’d never have bothered getting a back door in place of a window. It’s just one more leak source and besides, people rarely go out their back doors and hang out behind their houses in Arizona anyway. At least the prep work won’t be a fraction of what it was in the old dive, but still, it could be practically nothing if the evil entity here hadn’t cracked Tom’s window, and if I hadn’t been dumb enough to bother with the wall art, and if the dumb Mexican hadn’t have punctured the shower pipe. Instead, we have to replace a window and paint 3 rooms, along with the wall the mural was on.


Someone bid on the half-dollars right after he put them up!

He’s watching football right now. Boring! A bunch of cocks ramming into one another never did anything for me.

I decided to keep 4 of the 7 dolls I had considered selling - Ciara, Samantha, Amelia and Maria. I’ll still sell, or try to sell, Meagan, Autumn and Valentine.

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