Wednesday, January 7, 2004

I finally got my incense! They made one little boo-boo, though, by giving me two Cashmeres and omitting the Tea Rose, but it’s no biggie. They listed Muddy Waters on the invoice twice, but I don’t have two of them. They enclosed a wholesale catalog. Yes, I can go through them for supplies to make my own! We’re thinking of taking a 5-pack bag to the swap meet just to see if I can get a nickel or a dime’s profit on it. Anyway, they didn’t ship the stuff till the 3rd, so why they told me the 31st, I don’t know. It cost them $11 to ship it all! By the time I got it all unwrapped, I had nearly a garbage bag full of the newspaper they used to wrap them in. They wrap 3 bags in each bundle. We even got to check out the land deals they’ve got going in Idaho!

I also got a letter and drafts from Mary. Mary surprised me the same as Tom did by saying she likes Nocturnal Obsession the best, even though she admits it scared the pants off of her. Well, this next one that I’m currently proofreading is going to do the same! It’s a similar kind of story. I’m going to mail her both this story and the last one when I mail Paula’s package.

Anyway, what happens in my last book, Imprisoned Love, is that this girl Tiffany goes to jail for writing bad checks. She has two kids and their father’s a deadbeat dad. They all live with her parents. Tiffany meets Vicki, a guard who likes her. They have sex late at night when Tiffany’s out cleaning and everyone else is locked down in their cells. When Tiffany starts feeling uncomfortable around Vicki, who thinks she told others at the jail about their liaisons, she tries to break away but fails. Vicki threatens to have her framed if she doesn’t continue to let her have her way with her sexually. After 3 months, Tiffany’s released and Vicki shows up a while later and weasels her way back into Tiffany’s life. Meanwhile, Vicki kills Tiffany’s ex, best friend and father to punish her for getting her written up at work. When Tiffany realizes Vicki killed them, she then kills her, knowing the police, if they could prove Vicki’s guilt, wouldn’t do much to punish her as she’s one of their own.

My next book, College Romance, is the dream-inspired story of Katelyn and Ashley who live in the same house as they study art and criminal law. They fall in love in the midst of a series of murders that occur on campus, and later end up solving the case and discovering who the killer is.

Anyway, Mary said some chick traumatized her by spreading vicious rumors and telling her she’ll rot in hell and shit like that, so if all goes well, she should be getting pretty sick.

I was really glad to read how much she likes my stories. I don’t know if I can keep cranking them out like I have been forever, but they’re fun to write when I do get ideas, even if they’re not quite marketable and I won’t be getting paid for my work.

The book people said that 5 of the books I ordered are unavailable. I guess they sold right before I ordered them. Oh well. At least they do the work of gathering the books from the various stores around the country so I can save on shipping costs.

The constant whirring of the tractor at the new house gets old, but I’d rather that than the inevitable barking I’m going to have to deal with before we leave this place.

I was also a little bummed to hear them booming about up in the sky earlier. I had hoped they’d take more than a few weeks off. I also hope they don’t go making a regular habit of booming by like they did in December!

For just $15, we’re going to take advantage of an introductory coffee deal similar to the last one I tried, then we’ll cancel out after getting the intro shipment. I’m going to get 2 coffee samples (I chose mocha regular and hazelnut decaf), a programmable coffeemaker which I’ll try to sell, and 2 mugs.

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