Tuesday, January 20, 2004

I’ve started gaining the weight I knew I’d gain if I ate whatever whenever. I’m 131 and for the first time in my life, I said, “I don’t care. I’m going to accept and live with whatever I gain, be it 10 pounds or 50.” For a minute there, now that I’ve found a way of working out for an hour a day that I can stick to, I was tempted to cut my calories to see what would happen, but then I lectured myself and said, “Don’t do this to yourself again. You know it won’t make a difference. You’ve been obsessed with this for years. It’s time to move on now and let your body do what it wants to do naturally. Not even 5 hours of exercise and a measly 500 calories could drop your weight by more than a few pounds. You’re 38 years old, so move on and live with it!” And so I eat when my stomach says it’s time to eat.

I decided that since I don’t have the power to control my weight or improve my vision I would focus on my allergies. So far so good. It’s been over a week now since I’ve used the spray.

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