Saturday, June 18, 2011

Although I’m still not sure where I’m going to end up blogging on a more permanent basis just yet, today’s starting off on a much more relaxing note than yesterday. Yesterday we had a scare for a minute thinking our PayPal account was hacked, reminding me of that dream I had where we were at some hotel and got ripped off. But fortunately the site was just down.

I’m currently setting up a blog site of my own but am still not sure it’s where I want to do my blogging. It’s got some features I don’t care for, but since it’s my site I guess I could always add what I feel it lacks within reason. I’m not giving anyone the address yet until I make my final decision and it’s all set up if I do stay there. I really like having control over my own site with the way I hate change so much and the way sites change things so often, but it’s also important to me to be able to have it do what I want it to do, too.

For now, I’ve decided to blog at my-diary and Blogger rather than open a new account on MyOpera. If they haven’t gotten back to me yet, they probably never will. If it wasn’t a security breach like the email message said, then I’ve got 3 guesses as to what it could be. My book link, graphic story excerpts, or Webshots photos I posted. Those are my guesses if it really wasn’t hacked. I just don’t get why they’d send me a message telling me to reply if I want it back, then ignore my reply. So no, I no longer want it back.

I was wrong about Shelley. She didn’t add me but we exchanged a few pleasant messages on Facebook. She didn’t tell me much about herself but asked if I married a guy, where I lived and things like that. Of course I gave her my blog and book link. I’m almost disappointed the troll hasn’t been in yet to discover my old blog is gone, but she will probably by Monday.

Irene’s ignored any questions I’ve had about Nane but is still friendly as hell. My blog’s gotten a hit from Germany and I’d be willing to bet just about anything it was her and not Nane. She commented on a couple of Nane’s pics, and she too, is being ignored, so again I think it might not be personal after all. There has been absolutely no activity on her end whatsoever that I can see.


My husband and I moved to Cali 4 years ago and have spent nearly two and a half years of it unemployed. I usually work online since I have a rare sleep disorder and don’t drive. We’re not even on a bus line. We live out in the country, deep in the woods.

I can do the things most people can’t and I struggle with the things most people could do in their sleep.

I’m short and pretty fit for my age. I’m not really fat, though I could afford to lose some weight. I run a few miles most days, but sometimes I don’t always control my calorie intake as well as I’d like to.

My eyes are green and my hair is brown, thick and curly and definitely too long. It’s just to my ass when you pull it straight.

We have an awesome pet rat that is very smart, loving and mischievous all rolled into one. He’s a year old now.

I’m 45, Tom’s 54. Our 17th anniversary just passed. We never had any kids and we don’t regret it either. I do like my freedom, even if I sometimes feel trapped by my life’s circumstances.

I’m a liberal individual who wishes the world wasn’t so black and white and that so many things didn’t have to be one way or the other like with marriage, for example. If you don’t want to marry the same sex, then don’t. Meanwhile, you shouldn’t have the right to stop those who do want to marry the same sex.

I love listening to music and I used to be a singer and dancer. Now my passions are writing and learning languages. I’ve always been into these things, just not as much when I was younger.

I’m sensitive and compassionate yet loud, selfish and sometimes a little too blunt. I love to laugh and joke, but lately it seems I’ve been down a lot due to the economy.

I spent my first 26 years in New England, the next 12 in Arizona, the next 3 in Oregon, then came to NorCal in 2007, something I kind of regret.

I’m fluent in American Sign Language and Spanish and I know a lot of Italian, Portuguese and Esperanto. I’m working on the German now, but slowly since I’m a very busy person. I doubt I’ll bother learning more French, though I do know a little.

I love perfume and I find it utterly boring not to either have myself smelling good or the room I’m in. I used to burn incense like crazy. I miss it at times but stopped because of the mess it makes.

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