Monday, November 26, 2012

I got this non-carbonated drink called Neuro Sleep and it seems to help me fall asleep easier. If I could get myself to need less sleep and not be up 18 hours as often as I am, it would make holding a schedule much easier. I do seem to be getting a little less sleep-needy with age, though, so that’s good. Sometimes I still need 9 or 10 hours, but usually just 8. I very seldom sleep 12 hours, something that used to be a little more common with me when I was younger. The thing is that when I finally get around to the sleep doctor after getting my teeth taken care of and then my new glasses, they’re almost certainly not going to tell me anything I haven’t already heard. I know the tricks to slow the roll like I do when I have upcoming appointments, but it’s just not a forever thing.

Anyway, this drink helps me fall asleep after being up a reasonable and standard 16 hours, but I sure do wake up a lot along the way. Last night I slept like I do when I sleep during the daytime when he’s not around. I fell right back asleep and even beat the alarm by 10 minutes, but I don’t feel 100% rested. Close, though. Real close.

I’m just trying not to think of how we could be a few more grand ahead of where we’re at now as far as savings go if my teeth and other expenses hadn’t come up, but things do keep coming up in life no matter what.

I asked for a sign from above in my dreams as to how much longer we’ll be here, but sure enough, I got zip. I did have a hotel dream, though, I’m sorry to say. Hopefully, it’s just a possible sign saying we’ll go on vacation before the move instead of after. We have a year and a half to take the trip, but we haven’t decided yet when we’ll take it. I think we should take it ASAP, I told Tom. That has a deadline, moving doesn’t.

Andy cracked me up the other day by asking if memory foam pillows help us remember our dreams, hahaha. No, but memory foam toppers really heat you up, even this thinner one I’ve been sleeping on. So I shoved the comforter aside and threw on the fleece blanket. No one should need to sleep with fans on when the bedroom is down to 69°, so if this is enough, then we won’t have to wash the comforter next weekend as planned. We were going to wash the pretty pink one and the spare green one.

“Kim likes to spy on you on facebook she has told me so just so you know. she made an account that she can watch you on,” I get on Ask. Then, “Sorry the obsessed stalker wasted her time and energy. I now have my account set to friends only and I have deleted any public comments/likes that I can’t make friends only. I get questions like…any advice to get rid of people who are crazy in the head? And…i regret getting to know Kim she is a total nutcasewhackjob and i worry what she could do to me. And…why did you delete my question? Kim likes to spy on you. you should be very worried she is a bad person.”

My first thought was that it was really Kim. Aly, who says Kim’s been leaving her alone (really? But they were friends much longer. Maybe it’s her connection to the FBI?), says she’s never known Kim to refer to herself in the third person. This is common with MPD folks, but I guess it could be Jackie. If it were Kim or Jackie, though, why would they bash Kim and not me?

Maybe it really is someone who also learned the hard way just what Kim is all about and is being followed and harassed the same as I am. But if that were true then how does she know about me and why contact me in public? Why not contact me on Facebook and send me the link to this new account she created if she were that “concerned” for me?

Really hope it isn’t Aly fucking with me.

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