Saturday, April 6, 2019

I’m now watching Numb3rs. Let’s see how many episodes it takes to hear about racism.

Holding off on giving my buddy my link to my my-diary account for now for two reasons. One is that she gets what I share there plus more via email. Two is cuz I want to see if she stumbles upon it accidentally and realizes it’s me. I don’t use full names but I do use real first names, so I would think that between that and what I write about, it should be obvious enough. As I told her, I’m curious as to how easy I am to find and how obvious it is that it’s me.

While I would prefer not to be that easy to find I’ve decided to compromise with myself. I’m not going to cut myself off as much as I had been but I’m not going to make myself stand out like a sore thumb and make things too obvious for certain people either.

The guinea pig cage came and it’s awesome! It too, is huge like the rats’ cage and I could fit in it if I hunched over. The only thing is that you definitely can’t house rats in it unless they’re large. A fat rat like Burke would be suitable but these rats are a little on the small side and I wouldn’t be surprised if they found ways both in and out of the cage. Not sure the pigs are going to like that, LOL, but we’ll see.

The pigs spend most of the time hiding in the burrow but they otherwise seem much happier in this cage. I don’t think they feel threatened by the wider, more open bar spacing.

I’m not sure they can get on top of the burrow where the bowl is. A rabbit, sure, but since I don’t know that they could do it very easily, I placed their regular bowl down on the floor. The bowl is molded into the burrow. It’s actually two plastic pieces. The bowl is set in a mold so you can remove it for easy washing. Well, I took it out and gave it to the rats. The rats now have their tree stump burrow and both levels which they surely appreciate.

I’m trying both the cage’s hay holder as well as one of the ones we got that attach to the cage to see which one makes less of a mess. Things would be a lot easier if it wasn’t for them needing hey, but they do.

It’s a good thing I don’t plan to use the front door of the cage much because it’s horrible the way it’s designed. The two dome roof doors lift up easily enough and I should be able to lift the liner out of the cage from there rather than take the entire cage off of the base. And the pigs too, of course. Decided not to place the pen nearby since I just can’t see them jumping out to hang out there. They really prefer to be more enclosed. They’re really only out in the open when eating or playing.

Since it’s been a while and Woody doesn’t seem as spastic and as disobedient, I let him out today. He and his brother are around here somewhere as I write this. Of course they’ve had fun walking on the top of the pigs’ cage and are getting more playful with each other, too.

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