Monday, April 8, 2019

I’m tired so far today because I slept shitty. The pill cuts may have something to do with it too, but I kept waking up warm since my body now has to acclimate to the oncoming warmer weather.

Dreamed I weighed myself in kilos and first was 68, then 66. That’s 146 lb. Well, I’m down half a pound at 154, but highly doubt I’ll ever hit 150, let alone 146. Not unless I have a heart attack like Virginia, who Tom says lost a lot of weight when he saw her and Bob sitting out front on his way to pick up the mail. I’ll bet she has!

Wonder if they took her off her thyroid meds or if her weight loss affected how it affects her if they didn’t.

The pigs may be cute but timid, and Woody may also be cute but antisocial, but I sure had fun playing with Fuzzy yesterday. I call him a little copyrat cuz he copies my schedule. Even the fish is doing that now, LOL. Woody’s only let out weekly since he’s not the least bit obedient and rarely returns home on his own. In a cage I could damn near stand in, he’s got plenty of room to run, climb and get enough exercise there, so it’s not like he’s confined to a small space.

But my favorite little Fuzz bud was in and out and interacting with me as well as roaming around. He tries desperately to get into the pigs’ cage but I won’t let them near each other unless it’s out in the open as the pigs are terrified of him even if he weighs a third of what they do. When he last joined them in their burrow, the pigs ran out chattering their teeth.

After breakfast at McD’s, we went to Petco yesterday for fish compatible with bettas but were advised against it, even though I know dwarf frogs can live with them. I got those with fur some chew toys instead.

Gonna switch the pigs out to bedding later and put the fleece liners in the pen but not put it by their door. There’s no way these short-legged, fat-bodied guys could hop up through the door.

The Caddy can now barely run and pisses water like a horse when started. Since Candy’s proving to be very reliable, the Caddy will be off to the junkyard next weekend. Just not worth replacing its transmission, paying for gas, doing oil changes, and all the other shit you gotta do with gas cars. Now, if you like 500-mile road trips or you have a 45-minute drive to work, then a gas car is necessary. But I hate road trips, he doesn’t like to drive, it’s barely a half-hour to his job, so no more gas cars for us!

With summer fast approaching, it will be nice to have more space in the carport for getting the bike in and out.

I’ve got 5325 words in for NaNo, so I’ll be working on that today, working out, cleaning, etc.

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