Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Slept great (with earbuds) and continue to be in good spirits and feel well in general. Just a touch lightheaded today.

I usually gather the pigs’ liner by the corners, take it outside, dump shit and hay from it into the pail, then shake it by the cypresses to get out smaller bits of hay and fur. So after dropping shit all over the fucking place and having to sweep it up, the 4 of them played in the pen. So cute! Made a quick vid of it.

Fuzzy was so adorable, as usual, and wanted to play with me as well as run around, unlike his antisocial bro. He can still fit through the bars of the pen but Woody’s so big now he can barely squeeze through.

Wow, my sweet potato smoothie came out AWESOME! All healthy ingredients: Sweet potato (gotta zap it for 5 mins first), milk, banana, vanilla extract, maple syrup, and a pinch of cinnamon. ;)

I’ve switched the smart plug in the bedroom by the bathroom to operate the fan rather than the air cleaner since we should now be entering summer. Shouldn’t need the heat anymore this year. I hope not, anyway! It was nearly 90° today. Love it! Should warm the pool up soon. Looking forward to the dryness too, since it shouldn’t rain other than maybe a sprinkle or two for the next 5-6 months.

Tom pumped my bike tires up before he went to bed. They’re supposed to have 40 lbs of pressure but the front one was down to 24 and the back to 26. Made sure my lights and everything were working as biking can be more dangerous than driving in some ways. I know some of my readers have never gone bike riding or had any interest but I totally recommend trying it at least once! It’s something you’ll either fall in love with right away or you’ll find it terrifying and never want to do it again, LOL. Me, I love the speed. I’d never get on a motorcycle but I love coasting down these hills. I only hate it when I have to come back up them.

But yeah, you gotta be careful. You can’t always stop in a split second if need be, and if you hit something at just 10 MPH or even less, you could be seriously hurt. Hell, even just starting off when you’re this short can be tricky so I like to start downhill since I gotta step down on the pedal and jump up onto the seat at the same time. I can’t place both feet flat on the ground while sitting on the seat. Only my toes touch the ground when I’m seated.

Anyway, because I was alone and it was dark, I stuck to the circle and made a few rounds as I get more into riding shape. Around midnight I may go out on foot. Definitely going to work my arms and core inside tonight. When I was out there it was such a beautiful night. The temperature was perfect and there was no traffic or anything. Just some bugs and webs I rode into.

The last hour or two before I get ready to read myself to sleep I sometimes get bored because I no longer have the energy to do anything all that constructive but I’m not ready to get into bed. So I sometimes wander through YouTube vids. I was browsing some language vids and came across this woman giving Norwegian lessons. It’s not as ugly or as difficult as German from what I can tell but the letter ΓΈ sure sounds goofy as hell, LOL. But I enrolled myself in Duolingo’s Norwegian course and maybe I’ll dabble in it periodically. I’m not going to take the language as seriously as I took Spanish, Italian, German and ASL, though. It’ll be sort of like my Dutch, Esperanto, and Portuguese; a reader language if I study enough of it.

My story is now over 13K words even though I already hit my word count goal.

Carolyn shared a photo of the lake on Facebook and in one of her comments, she was telling someone that one of the best things they ever did was move here almost three years ago. So they do like it here and they don’t plan to move?

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