Tuesday, April 9, 2019

I never could get myself to wake up yesterday. I was exhausted all day and had to really push through to get everything done that I wanted to.

Today I’m tired as well but not quite as tired since I slept better. Still calm but definitely a little more hypo and that could be what’s causing some of my fatigue. My skin is a little dryer and I sometimes get cold even when it’s 74 degrees in here. I’d rather fatigue than anxiety but it sure would be nice to have nothing at all for once! If by some miracle reducing my dose is the answer to stopping the anxiety, I should adapt. I wasn’t this tired when my TSH was in the 30s (it can’t be over 20) because that’s what I was used to. That’s why it was such a shock to my system when I was suddenly flooded with more thyroid.

It would be wonderful and awful if it turned out that my anxiety has been a dose issue. It would suck since I need the damn medication and that would leave me to wonder if most of it really was on hormonal changes, or worse, a condition I acquired that’s not going away.

But a dose issue would be too easy and nothing is that easy for me in life, so I’m sure the anxiety will return. It’s just a matter of whether or not it takes 4 or 5 days or 4 or 5 weeks.

There was a missed call from the Behavioral Health Department and since I doubt it was Stacey calling to say hi, I’m thinking it was the shrink with an early opening. The problem with that is that had I been around and answered they probably would have told me to come in that day or the next day which wouldn’t leave Tom enough time to take off to get me there.

Spent what seemed like forever with the animals yesterday. I honestly don’t remember guinea pigs being this much work. But then I was a lot younger, healthier and less fatigued the last time I had them. I just get tired of being their slave at times! I’m still not sure what type of bedding would be best to use for them. I’m trying to make it easier for me, less smelly, and less costly. Since we’re not rich, I would rather save money and work harder if need be. Still, I want to enjoy them more than I work for them!

I’ll probably use disposables for the rats and I guess I’ll go back to liners for the pigs because I don’t think the few short pieces of hay and shed fur will clog the washer since it breaks down in the water. Also, by the time I pull it out of the dryer, it looks brand new anyway. I also don’t think bedding is going to be any easier. They’d still need to be changed twice a week, although the second time may only require a partial change. So disposables for the rats, but I don’t know yet for the pigs. I put regular bedding in yesterday so we’ll see how it is tomorrow. I change liners every other day so if I have to do the same for the bedding, then the liners are the better deal.

Lost just over a pound so far after two days of dieting but I’m already so sick of it that I’m tempted once again to just be myself even if I would be healthier if I lost at least a little. I hate being hungry and I know that unless I damn near starve myself and walk a few hours a day, I’m not going to lose much more than another 2 or 3 lb. You can’t just cut back or “be a little more active” with thyroid disease.

Gotta catch up on NaNo. I wrote yesterday’s chapter but didn’t edit it. So I have one to write and two to edit. Doubt I’ll raise my goal count any higher. I’ll leave it at 12k, though I expect the story to hit at least 20k when it’s done.

Also gotta clean the master suite. When Roomba’s vacuuming for me, I’ll hang out in the living room while Fuzzy runs around. He was funny earlier when he climbed on Tom and immediately went to work trying to chew one of his earbuds that were dangling from his Hearphones.

Lastly, I want to work my arms and core.

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