Sunday, April 14, 2019

I’m continuing to battle intermittent fatigue but determined to stick to 50s and find out for once and for all if in fact my anxiety is a dosage issue or not. It’s frustrating and gets in the way of life, yes, but anything is better than anxiety.

Tom trimmed the grassy weeds around the place today and yesterday. He’s determined to keep up on the outside more often. The carport and patio need power hosing, too.

Because the price of scrap is down right now, no junkyard is interested in buying the Caddy from us so we’re going to be donating it to this place that will auction it off. They’re to be calling back to schedule a time to pick it up.

Here’s the best news of all. In going through the file box in search of the Caddy’s title, he came across a receipt from the previous owners and it turns out that the roof was replaced 15 years ago! That’s fantastic to know because that’s one less large expense we have to deal with. :-) Explains why I could never “see” us doing it, too.

Yesterday we went to the dollar store so I could get a variety of air fresheners for cheap and I got four fragrances. Rose, vanilla, papaya-mango, and waterfall.

I also got bath gloves, a couple of bottles of neon nail polish (pink and green), some candy, gum, and a sheet of pink rhinestone stickers which I decorated the base of the pigs’ cage with and the center of the rats’ cage as well.

After that, we checked out Georgia’s Treasures, a place I’ve been curious about for a while, but nothing appealed to me there.

Another thing I’m excited about could be here any time now and that’s my new $50 blender. I decided last night that I wanted one because I think it would be a great way to replace my second meal with smoothies. The idea is to replace meals with fruits and veggies so I don’t get as much sodium, and this way I’m not having salty or sugary snacks either. Depending on the ingredients, you can make these things as unhealthy as they are healthy from what research I’ve done on, so I definitely won’t be adding too many extras to the basics. Will have to pick up more ingredients to try different things and I’ve joined the site to get some ideas. I have bananas, blueberries and milk in stock so I can make a basic smoothie from that. It should be fun experimenting with different things. :-)

The blender will come with 2 small cups and 1 large one, plus a couple of different blades. I like how you can blend the stuff right in the cup you’re going to drink it out of. Plus, they have lids if you don’t finish it all at once. :-)

If I don’t lose weight and have to “cut my losses,” so to speak by just continuing to keep my weight where it’s at, that’s fine. I trust my body wouldn’t carry the extra weight if it didn’t feel it needed it. But if I do lose some, that’s fine, too. When I’m not looking things up or actually eating, I try to keep food out of sight and out of mind. For most folks, thinking often equals hunger which often equals extra stuff we don’t need.

Managed to reinstall Ask on my phone but I just put the site on my desktop rather than bothered with the app because I wasn’t impressed with the app at all.

Aly lost her phone so we’ve been doing regular texting until she either finds it or gets a new phone.

It turns out that Cam’s brother not only caught 10 mice at once with glue boards (that’s way more than the three we caught in the trailer at once), but other neighbors are experiencing the same problem.

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