Monday, April 15, 2019

Got up at 7 and took my meds. Was so tired that I slept another couple of hours. Not too fatigued today…so far. Definitely didn’t sleep well last night as I woke up a million times. Hot flashing, needing to pee, just because…

All I remember for dreams is something about going to some kind of camp or activities resort and being pissed that I had to miss out during the daytime on things because I couldn’t get up before late afternoon.

The Caddy will be picked up on Saturday.

Used up a bale of bedding on the pigs. Yes, this is easiest but I’ll probably just work harder and save money by returning to liners. Just gotta fight with the hay a bit. They also do kick some bedding out so liners will keep the floors a bit cleaner.

A certain pesky little rat just had to jump into the hay holder while I was trying to fill it and then climb shelves that are a no-no. LOL, this rat gets around, alright. One minute he’s one place, the next he’s on the back of the couch trying to jump onto the treadmill tray.

My NutriBlast blender arrived yesterday and I love it! In the large cup, I made a blueberry banana smoothie with the blades that sort of forms a plus sign, and he made one of his breakfast shakes in a smaller cup with the other blade.

Read up on the dos and don’ts of the blender and various recipe ideas as well as the benefits of different greens, fruits and nuts. All of them do great things…fight various types of cancer, protect the heart, lower BP, lower cholesterol and so much more. Not one of them said, “But it could be bad because…” or “The only negs are…”

They basically say to go with 50% leafy greens, 50% fruit (of any and all kinds) and a 1/4 cup boost (nuts). No more than 25% of everything added should consist of ice if you’re going to use it. They say the more fruit varieties you add, the more benefits you get, plus you need to add a liquid of some kind.

Also, you should buy organic if the fruit has no skin like bananas and oranges do. Bananas will last longer if you refrigerate them and they can be peeled and frozen too, as I read.

Just made a smoothie with half a cup of blueberries, one large romaine leaf, a quarter cup of milk and a quarter cup of granola. Not bad. Even the calories of healthy stuff can add up, though, so I try to use half-servings.

Was thinking about this protected class bullshit we have, and well, most of it is just that…bullshit. I can totally see protecting children, the disabled and the elderly, but why should you deserve more protection based on either your occupation or your color? If you kick my ass you shouldn’t be excused or get any kind of breaks just because you may be a doctor or a lawyer or a cop or maybe because your skin is darker than mine. You should get the same punishment a white accountant, housekeeper or painter should get. I hate it when people are excused or given breaks for the wrong reasons!

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