Friday, April 26, 2019

Along with a vision that Trump will NOT be reelected (yay), this is the first time I actually got a reply in regards to my airplane complaint. They said: We have been in North Flow for the past several days. Your location receives more frequent overflight by aircraft departing from SMF when we are in North Flow.

I looked at the flight maps and I can see where they would go over Citrus Heights when in a northerly flow. When they’re in a southerly flow that makes the nighttime bad yet it appears they don’t go over Citrus Heights at all when they’re in a southerly flow, at least according to their map. I can see where Natomas would get slammed no matter what. So glad we didn’t end up there!

What the hell was that metallic rattle I just heard? In the heater? The vents? Whatever that was that made the sound was likely bigger than a mouse.

Anyway, all I know is that before last September the planes weren’t a problem. Why can’t they go back to flying wherever the hell it was they were flying then? They only gave me their flight map. They’re not saying they’re actually going to do anything about it so their maps really don’t matter. They need to stop flying over my fucking head!

And we need to be careful when choosing the next place to live. Can’t do anything about most noise problems like loud traffic but we can get further away from the airport. I compared our old house in Phoenix to Sky Harbor Airport and then our house here to this airport and we’re not nearly as far from it as I thought we were. Sky Harbor was 66 miles from our Phoenix house. Sac International is just 15 miles away from this house.

I still love entertaining the fantasy of growing an arm long enough to reach up and swat them out of the sky, as well as wishing the guy with the voices in his head would be told to use them for target practice.

Although briefly, the water was off yesterday evening. Tom got a text saying they were going to turn the water off at 11 yesterday afternoon but I don’t think they ever turned the water off because the water didn’t spit air at me when I got up and used the toilet and sink.

The pigs were so funny. I couldn’t hear the timer go off which I set in the kitchen after taking my meds and going into the bedroom because I had the fan on. But the pigs sure heard it and let me know, LOL.

I was definitely no neglectful rodent mom today. :) I pulled the pigs’ liner out and replaced it with regular bedding and I also relined the top level of the rats’ cage. While this was taking place they were all playing together in the pen. So cute! A lot of work but cute. Gotta wash their accessories as well. Most of those I usually just run through the dishwasher after I rinse them in the sink.

At 7:30 I heard the loud car come in. By 10:30 I realized I never heard it leave so I went to see if it was still here. I was just contemplating telling the punk to get a muffler when he jumped in and took off.

As I was coming back around the circle, I could see that Bob and Virginia’s place was dark and I knew they were asleep.

A few minutes later, the paramedics came and I thought uh-oh! Especially since their place was now lit up. So I went over there and peered through the storm door and saw Virginia sitting in her chair. I wondered why the paramedics weren’t tending to her and for a minute I thought maybe something was wrong with Bob and they were in the bedroom.

Then she spotted me, waved me in, and gave me a hug. The paramedics were here for Ralph, the guy at the “stroke house.” Didn’t know his name before now. I guess he called them and Virginia didn’t like being woken up. She said that his two kids need to take better care of him or something to that effect because they were sound asleep, and well, Bob was over there while we talked.

I didn’t stay long because it was late but I did ask if they pulled her off her thyroid meds and she said no. She has lost a lot of weight but not so much in the stomach. She looks incredibly old but who wouldn’t in their mid-80s?

She asked how I was doing and I told her I was better and that I cut off about 16 inches of hair. She said. “I know,” after telling me the same thing she tells me every time I see her… She asked Bob where Jodi was. LOL

Their place is absolutely gorgeous, immaculate, and sparsely decorated. I could dust the whole house in five minutes.

Oh, the paramedics just took him away. Hate seeing fire/ambulance trucks. They don’t exactly bring back fun memories…heart booming…running down the hall…trying to steady my fingers to dial 911…get the door open, gotta get the door open…what’s your space number?…I don’t know…what color are you?…white…don’t eat or drink anything until help arrives…


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