Friday, May 24, 2024

LOL, I AI'd Crazy Kim pretty well. The keywords I gave it were "a 300-pound woman with large glasses and very short brown hair in a karate outfit." It wasn't perfect, but it was surprisingly close. So much so that I couldn't resist sending it to her. The only thing is that her glasses and eyes are a little darker in real life and her nose is fatter too.

I'm still experiencing bipolar energy levels. Three days ago, I was fine, and the next day I was tired. Yesterday I was fine, and today I'm tired. I just don't get it. If it isn't sleep apnea or my heart, then what the fuck could it be? Well, in a few more weeks, I can ask Rhonda about it.

The truck is parked in the honker's driveway again, and it's pushed way over to the side as if it expects someone else to park next to it. 

Also, a motorcycle was circling the park at 4:30 in the morning, the earliest I've ever heard one go through here. It makes no sense for them to do that if they live here, so were they lost or just casing the place? What would you be looking for at 4:30 in the morning?

Kind of in a blah mood. I'm not just frustrated because of the fatigue, but we're coming up on our 30th anniversary next month, and now I'm watching my husband slowly turn into an old man, and it's sad. He doesn't think so, and while it may be a natural part of life, it's sad to know he couldn't work because of his essential tremor even if he wanted to. That, and his being hard of hearing is sad to see, even though I know he's not in any pain and it could be worse. He should be getting a hearing aid soon, but his ET will eventually require medication. He said maybe a hearing aid would motivate him to want to go out and do more things. Well, money and energy would certainly motivate me more, especially energy. I want to take a walk around the park, but I just don't have the energy.

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