Sunday, May 26, 2024

Making some rainbow trout with broccoli now and not quite as tired today. This is good because we want to go out to Publix later in the morning for some variety. I crashed at 5-something and woke up at 10, 11, 12, and finally got up shortly before 2.

I said my large monitor was 21 inches, but it's actually 24. I want to get a monitor the same size and connect my laptop to it so I can have a more modern, faster device with a larger screen.

We dyed my hair yesterday, and now it's a nice deep, dark, rich shade of blackish brown. I have enough in the tube for one more dye job. After that, I'm going to see if I can stand to let the gray grow out so I can see if I have more color options. At my age, I wouldn't do hot pink or rainbow colors, but a nice light silvery lavender I might consider, or maybe light blue or light mint green.

I put some safety pins around the edge of the sheet to see if it keeps it from slipping. It's toward the top edge, nowhere near the tubes of water. Besides, the tubes are only about 5 or 6 inches tall. The rest is foam.

The neighborhood project junkie is at it again. Yeah, little Miss Be Happy is having a deck put up in back of her place, similar to the one in the house next to her and further away. If I didn't know she was from New York, I would be worried because she does have a dog.

Speaking of that state, I saw a guy pull into the honker's driveway in the car with New York plates, get out of it, and then get into the truck and leave.

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