Sunday, May 12, 2024

Yay, my journal editing project is done! The entries are as correct as I’m going to get them. Even before I took on this project, any idiot with half a brain could have understood what I was saying but I’m a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to my writing. So I wanted to get them as correct and as consistent as possible even though I understand they may never be perfect because there’s just so much content. But this is it! They are as they are.

Tom has always been unable to visualize things. There’s a name for that but I can’t remember it off the top of my head. Because of this, he wishes he could try LSD so he could see what it’s like to hallucinate. Pretty sure a sleeping pill of some kind they gave me at the crisis center when I was in my teens made me hallucinate. I don’t remember much about it, though.

I’m a little tired today but I still expect to hit the New York border at some point later on. I wonder how close I’ll be going to the mystery girl. Speaking of her, I awoke at one point thinking, wow, that’s the longest and most detailed dream I’ve ever had of her. But when I woke up the final time, it didn’t seem like it was long and detailed. I likely forgot most of it. All I remember was meeting in person with a bunch of fellow PBers and everybody was clapping and cheering for her because she finally came out of her shell. People went to hug her and she didn’t seem comfortable with that much so I stopped right as I was about to embrace her. However, she said it was okay and that she would love a hug from me.

In real life, I don’t see her ever coming out of her shell in cyberspace, and while I understand why, it would have been nice to learn more about her. If I’m curious about her, I’m sure others are too. But “coming out” is something that’s got to be up to her. I personally find it easier to be more sociable online because I can do it at my leisure and convenience and it’s easier to ignore someone you may decide you don’t like as opposed to when you have to live and work with them.

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