Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Today I am not as energetic as yesterday. I'm not sure why since I slept 7.5 hours and got a good sleep score. I did wake up a little more so maybe that's why. Overall, however, it does seem like the new bed could be helping because in the month that I've had it, I've had 8 tired days not counting the time the storm woke me up and then when the power went out. I normally have about 12 to 15 tired days within a 30-day period. So unless I'm just having a good month, it could be helping.

Today I'm going to be making stuffed mushrooms for the first time. I'm going to mix spinach and cheese in olive oil with bread crumbs. I'm also going to make us burgers when he gets up. Doubt I'll get around to trying the fried banana recipe today. I got some rainbow trout but I don't know if I'll have that today either.

My insurance company kept their word and I got my $100 Visa card for letting the nurse come to the house.

Went from Orchard Park to West Seneca, New York.

Irma was nice enough to surprise me with a message asking how Ray was doing and how my health was. I was wondering if anyone was ever going to take the time to reach out to me first and not message me only because I messaged them. She's probably more curious about what Ray's been up to than my health but that's okay. I told her he left in the middle of the month but probably isn't going to put palm trees in the middle of his boring yard because it would prevent visitors from parking on the gravel alongside the driveway. I also told her that my health is good as far as I know although I do still struggle with fatigue.

Just being prediabetic can cause fatigue. I really hope to hell I never end up diabetic but if I do, maybe it will motivate me to eat healthier as it did with Andy. I eat healthier more than I don't but I still have too much sugar at times. Even skinny athletes can become diabetic, though. Genetics is a big factor and it definitely runs in my family.

I still have that cramp in my lower right stomach. When you don't have a gallbladder the bile is dumped directly into the liver and I think that could be what I'm feeling although I don't know why it would take a whole year after having surgery. I did read that some liver conditions, including cancer, can cause pain to come and go but I just can't see it being that. Lab work is scheduled for the 31st so I'll find out soon.

Read an interesting article on the link between violent nightmares and the onset of autoimmune diseases. I've always had nightmares on and off but I definitely had a ton of violent nightmares when we were in Jesse's trailer around the time I suspect my thyroid crapped out on me. I attributed most of them to my psychic side warning me of trouble ahead which there certainly was due to the recession. Maybe there was more to it, though.

I wouldn't call them nightmares, but I did have some unsettling dreams last night. In one, I witnessed a murder and pretended I hadn't seen anything. Although the details are hazy, it seemed like I had a couple of roommates who were killed by intruders, leaving me unharmed for some reason. Acting oblivious, the killers insisted I travel with them to the northeast, promising to let me return afterward. We made the trip, and I hoped they would keep their word and let me go.

In the last dream, we lived in a typical neighborhood but you could still only have no more than two dogs per household. We had a one-story house, but next door was a large, old two-story house. I had wandered through it when it was vacant, so I knew what it looked like inside. A large Black family moved in, and while they seemed nice enough when we met, I was still worried they might be noisy.

One day, I peeked through the stockade fence surrounding their backyard and was shocked to see at least eight adult golden retrievers and twice as many puppies. When the woman living there found out I knew about the dogs, she seemed worried and told me to ignore it. I assured her it was no problem as long as they didn't bark, although I secretly intended to report them.

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