Thursday, August 20, 2009

I was stunned to find I was 121 pounds when I got up today! Especially since I’m not dieting or working out that much, and had just hit a new low of 122 less than a week ago. Watch, with my shit luck I’ll be compensated with being stuck at 121 forever, but that’s ok. 121’s not a bad weight to be stuck at.

No message yesterday from the drama queen, though I didn’t expect one. Today or tomorrow is more like it unless she bought my story about no longer checking for messages. Maybe this makes me just as bad as her, but I’m almost looking forward to her next message that’s how humorously asinine they are. Just unbelievably, totally childish and immature. I can’t believe this is my 52-year-old sister pulling this shit!

Yesterday morning at around 7:30, I heard a bark in the bedroom that sounded a little too close for comfort. I went into the kitchen, looked out at the drive in back, and sure enough, we’ve got some brazen folks living in back here! I mean that is one bold fuck to already be letting the dogs run loose again. I wasn’t expecting it for another month or so, but it’s been just 6 weeks. I can’t believe that spiting others is worth risking losing their own dogs! IDK, maybe they want to get rid of the dogs, don’t have the heart to give them up on their own, and are hoping to lose them this way, but it still seems like a spite/defiance thing to me. If the dogs weren’t so damn loud I wouldn’t give a shit, but these things can’t just come and go quietly. If they didn’t have to be so loud about it, they could come and go all they wanted. I wouldn’t give a shit if they attacked Jesse’s dogs or not. But they come barking onto the land and just stand there barking for no apparent reason at all. And these are BIG dogs with BIG barks. Pit bulls are nothing to mess with either. sighs A few more regular sightings, and yes, they will be regular, and I’ll put in what will be the third complaint that I know of, along with Jesse’s, since once again, it appears that it’s going to be up to US to take care of HIS neighbor’s dogs. I know they don’t care if they lose the dogs. That much has become rather obvious and I’m kind of surprised they bothered to tie them up the last 6 weeks. I also know they’ll just turn around and get more dogs if they do lose these in the name of spite, but every week I get off from having to be startled, distracted and annoyed by such loud, obnoxious barking is worth it. Like I said, they don’t just come and go. They stand out there barking at God only knows what and it’s horrendously loud. So loud I can hear it over the box fan when it’s on high.

Tom said what he said the last time; that he thinks they just got loose accidentally. What a naïve thing to think! And after they came barking onto the land practically every single day. Well, we’ll see if he still thinks that when we see them today, and tomorrow, and the day after that, till I get sick of the racket enough to call the complaint line. Trust me, this was no “accident!” The only time they appear to be tied up is at night.

The Nikita doll now has 5 watchers and 29 views. I’m still hopeful that someone will snag her at the last minute. We’ll find out in a couple of days!

Anyway, the dogs should come barking by any minute now. I already heard a few yips from down in the ditch.

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