Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Will work for food, but not for free. Yeah, that’s my new motto. All my life I have done for others. I have helped to make and save them money. I have given generously whenever possible. But sometimes I have to think of my own self and that’s exactly what I’m going to do with the Book Mania. I’m flattered that someone may like my writing and I don’t mind helping to promote someone’s website, but I’m also sick of not getting paid for my work. Writing for myself is one thing, but writing for free for others is another thing. Well, no more! I don’t expect to get paid for writing in my own journal no matter who may or may not read it. But from now on, if I’m going to write stories it’s going to be for fun or for profit. Not for fun and for someone else’s profit. Even a buck a chapter would’ve been nice from the Book Mania, but that’s just greedy people for you. They expect you to contribute and to give to them endlessly. But what do we get in return? Just feedback! It’s not that I don’t appreciate the feedback I’ve gotten over there praising my story overall and letting me know what they thought should be changed, but I’d rather work hard for myself than entertain others for free. Pay me fairly, though, and I’ll entertain you all you want! You name it and I can probably write it. As I’ve learned, it isn’t the subject that sells – any subject will sell – it’s how it’s written.

As usual, there’s not much else going on. I’m up a pound and a half cuz of my fudge binge, and the doll has 22 views and 4 watchers. No guarantees on the doll, but I’ll be back down a pound or two tomorrow.

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