Monday, March 28, 2011

Every now and then I check Molly’s blog just to get a good laugh, and what should I find but the confessions of a very disturbed troll who promises to stop bullying us.

I don’t buy it for a minute. I’ve been victimized by this sick twist long enough to know her Marie-like patterns, and Alison’s known her for about 8 years. Their friendship ended 3 years ago, she told me, after she’d accepted Molly’s apology and taken her back in her life 6 times too many, realized she would never change, then cut her off completely. Or at least tried to. She ignores her whenever she gets the chance. But yeah, she’s just like Marie. She’ll behave for a while, then in a matter of days – or even hours as Alison put it – she’s back to her usual rude, paranoid and obsessive ways, expecting people to drop everything for her. This wasn’t the only blog entry where she admits to fucking with people online. It seems there are 5 others besides myself: Alison, Kim and Kathy, as well as a guy named Josh and another named Roman who may live in her town. I guess she had or still has a romantic interest in the guy that isn’t mutual.

I also know better than to get my hopes up of Tom actually getting this really good-sounding job he’d like to have here in town. He filled out an application online and plans to call the temp agency, but you know how it is for us. The odds of our luck turning around that fast are next to nil. It’ll be months before he gets a job, then they’ll lay him off again a few months after that.

Last night’s dreams didn’t have anything to do with money woes so much as they had to do with being in places I didn’t want to be – hotels, hospitals, etc.


Wow, that barely lasted a day. Yeah, Molly just viewed my blog. Then she went and did another blog entry saying she’s made some stupid mistakes, she’s sorry for the pain she’s caused, please forgive her, let’s be friends again…

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