Sunday, March 13, 2011

Tom’s got most of my book Kindle-ready, but there’s still some more converting to do. It ended up inserting paragraph indentations, and so I want to pull out the paragraph breaks I had in the original copy that also appears on the “fake” Kindle we viewed it on to see what it would look like.

Next, Tom’s creating hyperlinks to each chapter.

The copyrights are done, even though in the U.S. it isn’t necessary as whatever you publish is automatically considered copywritten. I just thought it looked more professional that way. It also doesn’t hurt to remind people just whose book it is. :) One can quote a line from my book in their blog, for example, but they can’t copy a whole chapter or anything like that.

Still gotta design the book cover and do the dedications and the synopsis, and I’m also going to give it a final read-through so that there are no breaks where there shouldn’t be or lack of breaks where there should be, and also to make sure there are no typos I may’ve missed.

I’m just glad that traditional publishers are becoming a thing of the past! They can only publish so many people and they really hold a lot of great writers back.

I’m now down a total of 3 pounds, but that’s mostly because I was so busy yesterday and then I slept forever.

We ordered progressive glasses for me which will be 3 grams lighter than the single-vision glasses I’m wearing now. I’m sure I’ll still hate wearing them, but I need to see!

I got kids’ yogurt because it’s tastier for fewer calories and it came with this tiny cardboard square with seeds in it that you soak for a few hours, then plant in an empty yogurt cup. I don’t know what the hell it is I’m planting, but I guess we’ll find out in 7-14 days.

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